


 import time

 def timeit(func):

     def wrapper(word):
start = time.clock()
result = func(word)
end = time.clock()
print 'Used: ', end - start
return result return wrapper @timeit
def foo(word):
return word print foo("")
 def transfer(func):
def wrapper():
result = func() result_new = {}
for key in result:
result_new[key] = result[key]
if type(result_new[key]) is type("H"):
result_new[key] = result_new[key].upper() return result_new return wrapper @transfer
def foo():
result = {}
result['name'] = "wang"
result['age'] = 1 return result print foo()


 class test:
def __init__(self):
pass def transfer(func):
def wrapper(instance):
result = func(instance)
result_new = {}
for key in result:
result_new[key] = result[key].upper() return result_new return wrapper @transfer
def getDict(self):
result = {}
result["name"] = "wang"
return result t = test()
print t.getDict()
class test:
def __init__(self):
pass def transfer(func):
def wrapper(instance):
result = func(instance)
result_new = {}
for key in result:
result_new[key] = result[key].upper() return result_new return wrapper @transfer
def getDict(self):
result = {}
result["name"] = "wang"
return result t = test()
print t.getDict()



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