* SVN 外部命令 类
* @author rubekid
* @todo comment need addslashes for svn commit
*/ class SvnUtils { /**
* svn 账号
const SVN_USERNAME = "robot"; /**
* svn 密码
const SVN_PASSWORD = "robot2013"; /**
* 配置文件目录 (任意指定一个临时目录,解决svn: warning: Can't open file '/root/.subversion/servers': Permission denied)
const SVN_CONFIG_DIR = "/var/tmp/"; /**
* svn list
* @param $repository string
* @return boolean
public static function ls($repository) {
$command = "sudo svn ls " . $repository;
$output = self::runCmd ( $command );
$output = implode ( "<br />", $output );
if (strpos ( $output, 'non-existent in that revision' )) {
return false;
return "<br />" . $command . "<br />" . $output;
} /**
* svn copy
* @param $src string
* @param $dst string
* @param $comment string
* @return boolean
public static function copy($src, $dst, $comment) {
$command = "sudo svn cp $src $dst -m '$comment'";
$output = self::runCmd ( $command );
$output = implode ( "<br />", $output );
if (strpos ( $output, 'Committed revision' )) {
return true;
return "<br />" . $command . "<br />" . $output;
} /**
* svn delete
* @param $url string
* @param $comment string
* @return boolean
public static function delete($url, $comment) {
$command = "sudo svn del $url -m '$comment'";
$output = self::runCmd ( $command );
$output = implode ( '<br />', $output );
if (strpos ( $output, 'Committed revision' )) {
return true;
return "<br />" . $command . "<br />" . $output;
} /**
* svn move
* @param $src string
* @param $dst string
* @param $comment string
* @return boolean
public static function move($src, $dst, $comment) {
$command = "sudo svn mv $src $dst -m '$comment'";
$output = self::runCmd ( $command );
$output = implode ( '<br />', $output );
if (strpos ( $output, 'Committed revision' )) {
return true;
return "<br />" . $command . "<br />" . $output;
} /**
* svn mkdir
* @param $url string
* @param $comment string
* @return boolean
public static function mkdir($url, $comment) {
$command = "sudo svn mkdir $url -m '$comment'";
$output = self::runCmd ( $command );
$output = implode ( '<br />', $output );
if (strpos ( $output, 'Committed revision' )) {
return true;
return "<br />" . $command . "<br />" . $output;
} /**
* svn diff
* @param $pathA string
* @param $pathB string
* @return string
public static function diff($pathA, $pathB) {
$output = self::runCmd ( "sudo svn diff $pathA $pathB" );
return implode ( '<br />', $output );
} /**
* svn checkout
* @param $url string
* @param $dir string
* @return boolean
public static function checkout($url, $dir) {
$command = "cd $dir && sudo svn co $url";
$output = self::runCmd ( $command );
$output = implode ( '<br />', $output );
if (strstr ( $output, 'Checked out revision' )) {
return true;
return "<br />" . $command . "<br />" . $output;
} /**
* svn update
* @param $path string
public static function update($path) {
$command = "cd $path && sudo svn up";
$output = self::runCmd ( $command );
$output = implode ( '<br />', $output );
preg_match_all ( "/[0-9]+/", $output, $ret );
if (! $ret [0] [0]) {
return "<br />" . $command . "<br />" . $output;
return $ret [0] [0];
} /**
* svn merge
* @param $revision string
* @param $url string
* @param $dir string
* @return boolean
public static function merge($revision, $url, $dir) {
$command = "cd $dir && sudo svn merge -r1:$revision $url";
$output = implode ( '<br />', self::runCmd ( $command ) );
if (strstr ( $output, 'Text conflicts' )) {
return 'Command: ' . $command . '<br />' . $output;
return true;
} /**
* svn commit
* @param $dir string
* @param $comment string
* @return boolean
public static function commit($dir, $comment) {
$command = "cd $dir && sudo svn commit -m'$comment'";
$output = implode ( '<br />', self::runCmd ( $command ) );
if (strpos ( $output, 'Committed revision' ) || empty ( $output )) {
return true;
return $output;
} /**
* svn status (输出WC中文件和目录的状态)
* @param $dir string
public static function getStatus($dir) {
$command = "cd $dir && sudo svn st";
return self::runCmd ( $command );
} /**
* svn 冲突
* @param $dir string
* @return boolean
public static function hasConflict($dir) {
$output = self::getStatus ( $dir );
foreach ( $output as $line ) {
if ( substr ( trim ( $line ), 0, 1 ) == 'C' || (substr ( trim ( $line ), 0, 1 ) == '!')) {
return true;
return false;
} /**
* svn log
* @param $path string
* @return string
public static function getLog($path) {
$command = "sudo svn log $path --xml";
$output = self::runCmd ( $command );
return implode ( '', $output );
} /**
* svn info
* @param $path string
public static function getPathRevision($path) {
$command = "sudo svn info $path --xml";
$output = self::runCmd ( $command );
$string = implode ( '', $output );
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement ( $string );
foreach ( $xml->entry [0]->attributes () as $key => $value ) {
if ( $key == 'revision' ) {
return $value;
} /**
* 获取最新版本号
* @param $path string
public static function getHeadRevision($path) {
$command = "cd $path && sudo svn up";
$output = self::runCmd ( $command );
$output = implode ( '<br />', $output );
preg_match_all ( "/[0-9]+/", $output, $ret );
if (! $ret [0] [0]) {
return "<br />" . $command . "<br />" . $output;
return $ret [0] [0];
} /**
* 获取某文件最早版本号
* @param $filePath string
public static function getFileFirstVersion($filePath){
$command = "sudo svn log {$filePath}";
$output = self::runCmd ( $command , "|grep -i ^r[0-9]* |awk '{print $1}'");
return false;
return str_replace("r", '', $output[count($output)-1]);
} /**
* 获取两个版本间修改的文件信息列表
* @param $fromVersion int
* @param $headRevision int
* @param $$path string
* @return array
public static function getChangedFiles($path, $fromVersion, $headRevision ){
$files = array();
$pipe = "|grep -i ^Index:|awk -F : '{print $2}'";
$command = "svn diff -r {$fromVersion}:{$headRevision} $path";
$output = self::runCmd ( $command ,$pipe);
$files = array_merge($files, $output);
$command = "svn diff -r {$headRevision}:{$fromVersion} $path"; //文件删除可用逆向对比
$output = self::runCmd ( $command ,$pipe);
$files = array_merge($files, $output);
return array_unique($files);
} /**
* 获取两个版本间某文件修改 的内容
* @param $filePath string
* @param $fromVersion int
* @param $headRevision int
* @return array
public static function getChangedInfo( $filePath, $fromVersion, $headRevision ){
$command = "sudo svn diff -r {$fromVersion}:{$headRevision} $filePath";
$output = self::runCmd ( $command );
return $output;
} /**
* 查看文件内容
* @param $filePath string
* @param $version int
* @return array
public static function getFileContent($filePath, $version){
$command = "sudo svn cat -r {$version} $filePath";
$output = self::runCmd ( $command );
return $output;
} /**
* Run a cmd and return result
* @param $command string
* @param $pipe string (可以增加管道对返回数据进行预筛选)
* @return array
protected static function runCmd($command , $pipe ="") {
$authCommand = ' --username ' . self::SVN_USERNAME . ' --password ' . self::SVN_PASSWORD . ' --no-auth-cache --non-interactive --config-dir ' . self::SVN_CONFIG_DIR . '.subversion';
exec ( $command . $authCommand . " 2>&1" . $pipe, $output );
return $output;


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