C# 二叉查找树实现
BuildTree 代码1次CODE完,没有BUG.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms; namespace 二叉查找树
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()
InitializeComponent(); //BuildTreeView(topNode , treeView1.Nodes);
treeView1.Visible = false;
BNode<int> topNode;
private void Form1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
var lastNode = RandomGenBSPTree();
topNode = lastNode.GetTopNode();
//r1 += 0.1f;
DrawTree(topNode, ); maxLevel = dicLevel.Count;
Bitmap b = new Bitmap((marginX + blockWidth) * maxLevel, (marginY + blockHeight) * maxLevel);
var g = Graphics.FromImage(b);
DrawTree2(topNode, g, b.Width / - blockWidth / , ,false,true);
DrawTree3(topNode, g);
int minI=,maxI = ;
for (int i = ; i < b.Width; i++)
for (int y = ; y < b.Height; y++)
if (b.GetPixel(i, y).R != || b.GetPixel(i, y).G != || b.GetPixel(i, y).B != )
minI = i;
for (int i = ; i < b.Width-minI; i++)
int id=b.Width - - i;
int ct = ;
for (int y = ; y < b.Height; y++)
if (b.GetPixel(id, y).R != || b.GetPixel(id, y).G != || b.GetPixel(id, y).B != )
maxI = id;
Bitmap bmpOut = new Bitmap(maxI-minI, b.Height);
Graphics g2 = Graphics.FromImage(bmpOut);
g2.DrawImage(b, new Rectangle(, , bmpOut.Width, bmpOut.Height), new Rectangle(minI-, , maxI, b.Height), GraphicsUnit.Pixel); this.BackgroundImage = bmpOut;
} void BuildTreeView(BNode<int> node,TreeNodeCollection tn)
if (node == null) return;
var newNode= tn.Add(node.value.ToString());
BuildTreeView(node.left, newNode.Nodes);
BuildTreeView(node.right, newNode.Nodes);
int blockWidth = ;
int minBlockWidth = ;
int blockHeight = ;
int marginX = ;
int marginY = ;
int maxLevel = ;
Font font = new Font("宋体",,FontStyle.Bold);
Brush brush = new SolidBrush(Color.White);
Dictionary<int, List<BNode<int>>> dicLevel = new Dictionary<int, List<BNode<int>>>();
void DrawTree(BNode<int> node,int level)
if (node == null) return;
if (dicLevel.ContainsKey(level) == false)
dicLevel.Add(level,new List<BNode<int>>());
node.level = level;
DrawTree(node.right, level + );
} void DrawTree2(BNode<int> node , Graphics g,int x,int y , bool isLeft=false,bool isRoot=false)
if (node == null) return; if (isRoot){
g.DrawString(node.value.ToString(), font, brush, x, y);
node.pos = new Point(x, y);
{ Text = r1.ToString();
var rate = (int)(blockWidth - r1*Math.Pow(node.level,) * marginX);
rate = rate < minBlockWidth ? minBlockWidth : rate;
node.pos = new Point(x + (isLeft ? - : ) * (rate), y + blockHeight + marginY);
g.DrawString(node.value.ToString(), font, brush, node.pos.X, node.pos.Y);
} DrawTree2(node.left, g, node.pos.X, node.pos.Y, true);
DrawTree2(node.right, g, node.pos.X, node.pos.Y, false);
float r1=1f;
void DrawTree3(BNode<int> node, Graphics g)
if (node == null) return;
if (node.left != null)
g.DrawLine( new Pen(Color.Green,2.1f),node.pos,node.left.pos);
if (node.right != null)
g.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.Green, 2.1f), node.pos, node.right.pos);
DrawTree3(node.left , g);
DrawTree3(node.right, g);
} BNode<int> RandomGenBSPTree(int Count)
var r = new Random();
List<int> pool = new List<int>(); BNode<int> curNode = new BNode<int>();
curNode.value = ;
for (int i = ; i < Count; i++)
var newValue = r.Next(, );
if (pool.Contains(newValue) == false)
} }while(true); curNode.Insert(pool[pool.Count-]);
return curNode;
} class BNode<T>where T:IComparable
public BNode<T> left;
public BNode<T> right;
public BNode<T> parent;
public T value;
public int level;
public string text;
public Point pos;
public void Insert(T v)
var firstCompare=v.CompareTo( value );
BNode<T> nextCompare=firstCompare<?left:right; if (nextCompare != null)
if (firstCompare < )
left = new BNode<T> { parent=this, value=v };
right = new BNode<T> { parent = this, value = v };
} public BNode<T> GetTopNode()
if (parent != null)
return parent.GetTopNode();
return this;
} }
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