Security through separtion

  Encrypting traffic with SSL

  Authenticating clients using SSL

  Blocking traffic based on originating IP address

Isolating application components for scalability

Reverse proxy performance tuning




Master Nginx(5) - Reverse Proxy Advanced Topics的更多相关文章

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  4. Nginx & Reverse Proxy

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  5. 反向代理Reverse proxy 反向代理在计算机世界里,由于单个服务器的处理客户端(用户)请求能力有一个极限,当用户的 ...

  6. 反向代理(Reverse Proxy)

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  8. an open source web server and reverse proxy NGINX is an open source web server and reverse proxy th ...

  9. 正向代理 forward proxy、反向代理 reverse proxy、透明代理 transparent proxy反向代理 反向代理在计算机网络中是代理服务器的一种.服务器根据客户端的请求,从其关系的一组或多组后端服务器(如Web服务器)上获取资源,然后 ...


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