about RTSP

RTSP was developed by RealNetworks, Netscape[1] and Columbia University, with the first draft submitted to IETF in 1996.[2] It was standardized by the Multiparty Multimedia Session Control Working Group (MMUSIC WG) of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) and published as RFC 2326 in 1998.[3] RTSP 2.0 is currently under development as a replacement of RTSP 1.0. RTSP 2.0 is based on RTSP 1.0 but is not backwards compatible other than in the basic version negotiation mechanism.[4]

RTSP using RTP and RTCP allows for the implementation of rate adaptation.[further explanation needed]



rtsp2.0 draft

//============================================ draft rtsp

Internet-Draft Archive

more about this prototype...

The document name you specified, "draft.*rtsp", matched multiple documents:

sort by date sort by name
01 Sep 2010   draft-avasarala-mmusic-rtsp-modify   txt  pdf  xml  html
22 Sep 1998   draft-balabanian-rtsp-mpeg4-dmif   txt  pdf
18 Feb 2008   draft-bergren-mmusic-rtsp-ermi-extensions   txt  pdf
16 Nov 1998   draft-christ-rtsp-mpeg4   txt  pdf
14 Jul 2009   draft-einarsson-mmusic-rtsp-macuri   txt  pdf
18 Apr 2014   draft-finlayson-rtsp-register-command   txt  pdf
13 Jul 2001   draft-gentric-avt-rtsp-http   txt  pdf
13 Jul 2009   draft-hayano-rtsp-bitrate   txt  pdf
16 Jan 1998   draft-ietf-mmusic-rtsp   txt  pdf
09 Feb 2005   draft-ietf-mmusic-rtsp-announce   txt  pdf
06 Jun 2014   draft-ietf-mmusic-rtsp-nat   txt  pdf  xml  html
28 May 2014   draft-ietf-mmusic-rtsp-nat-evaluation   txt  pdf  xml  html
17 Jun 2009   draft-lindquist-mmusic-sip-rtsp   txt  pdf
09 Jun 2010   draft-lindquist-sip-rtsp   txt  pdf
30 Jul 2009   draft-lohmar-mmusic-rtsp-fcs   txt  pdf
19 Dec 2006   draft-lohmar-mmusic-rtsp-flute   txt  pdf
25 Feb 2008   draft-marjou-mmusic-sdp-rtsp   txt  pdf
27 Oct 2008   draft-mule-mmusic-rtsp-ermi-extensions   txt  pdf
15 Mar 2000   draft-periyannan-rtsp-caching   txt  pdf
09 Oct 1996   draft-rao-rtsp   txt  pdf
08 Nov 2013   draft-seantek-certspec   txt  pdf  xml  html
26 Feb 2002   draft-sergent-rtsp-mute   txt  pdf
13 Jul 2000   draft-sheedy-mmusic-rtsp-ext   txt  pdf
01 Mar 1999   draft-side-sigtran-ips7-rtsp   txt  pdf
04 Dec 2003   draft-srikantan-mmusic-rtsp-streaming-relay   txt  pdf
25 Feb 2008   draft-stiemerling-rtsp-announce   txt  pdf
04 Aug 2004   draft-suman-rtsp-dictionary   txt  pdf
13 Jun 2006   draft-wei-mmusic-rtsp-bitrate-header   txt  pdf
17 Sep 2010   draft-westerlund-mmusic-3gpp-sdp-rtsp   txt  pdf  xml  html
02 Mar 2012   draft-yue-mmusic-rtsp-substream-control-extension   txt  pdf  xml  html
10 Feb 2004   draft-zeng-mmusic-map-ice-rtsp   txt  pdf
22 Jul 2004   draft-zeng-mmusic-rtsp-announce   txt  pdf
16 Oct 2003   draft-zeng-rtsp-end-of-stream   txt  pdf

Found 33 matches.

This is a proof-of-concept of a tool which provides stable references (URLs) for internet drafts,
and also some search capability. The tool is implemented as an apache 404 error handler,
available here: ID archive 404.cgi

The current prototype has the following features:

  • Given an URL of the form, with a complete name
    but without explicit version number, the most recent version in the archive will be shown.
  • Given an URL of the form,
    complete with explicit version number, that specific version will be returned if it exists in the repository.
  • If a given an URL of the form
    does not exist in the repository, a Not Found page will be generated.
    If the draft is listed in all_id.txt as expired, that will be indicated.
    If other versions of the given draft exists in the repository, a link to the latest version will be provided.
  • Given an incomplete URL of the form,
    up to 100 matches with the prefix draft-something will be shown.
  • Given an incomplete URL of the form, where
    REGEXP is a perl / python style regular expression, a list of up to 100 matches for
    the regular expression will be shown.
  • If the last version of a document in the archive is a tombstone, the version of the draft
    which the tombstone refers to will be shown (if it is in the archive).
  • The tool does not require any changes to the archive content. It is implemented as a
    apache error document handler, and may be easily deployed for the current ietf
    internet-drafts repository (but will then only show drafts which are less than 6 months old).
  • For the benefit of tool access to the archive, any request which does not result in the
    retrieval of one unique document will result in a 404 error return, with the list
    of partial matches in the document body.

Apache/2.2.22 (Debian) Server at Port 80

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