
RUN apt-get install -y vim

CMD echo "docker so easy"

ENTRYPOINT echo "docker so easy"


RUN ["apt-get","install","-y","vim"]

CMD ["echo","docker so easy"]

ENTRYPOINT ["echo","docker so easy"]


[root@localhost test]# cat dockerfile1/Dockerfile
from centos
ENV name Docker
ENTRYPOINT echo "$name so easy"
[root@localhost test]# cat dockerfile2/Dockerfile
from centos
ENV name Docker
ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/echo","$name so easy"]
[root@localhost test]# pwd
[root@localhost test]# mkdir dockerfile1
[root@localhost test]# mkdir dockerfile2
[root@localhost test]# vim dockerfile1/Dockerfile
[root@localhost test]# cp dockerfile1/Dockerfile dockerfile2/
[root@localhost test]# vim dockerfile2/Dockerfile
[root@localhost test]# cat dockerfile1/Dockerfile
from centos
ENV name Docker
ENTRYPOINT echo "$name so easy"
[root@localhost test]# cat dockerfile2/Dockerfile
from centos
ENV name Docker
ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/echo","$name so easy"]
[root@localhost test]# docker build -t bigni/centos_shell ./dockerfile1/
Sending build context to Docker daemon .048kB
Step / : from centos
---> 9f38484d220f
Step / : ENV name Docker
---> Running in 556fd0d58c0f
Removing intermediate container 556fd0d58c0f
---> 43e2ff86b0c7
Step / : ENTRYPOINT echo "$name so easy"
---> Running in d50a776a6a3a
Removing intermediate container d50a776a6a3a
---> fc84f5de7f3b
Successfully built fc84f5de7f3b
Successfully tagged bigni/centos_shell:latest
[root@localhost test]# docker build -t bigni/centos_exec ./dockerfile2/
Sending build context to Docker daemon .048kB
Step / : from centos
---> 9f38484d220f
Step / : ENV name Docker
---> Using cache
---> 43e2ff86b0c7
Step / : ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/echo","$name so easy"]
---> Running in 4c226e9e7459
Removing intermediate container 4c226e9e7459
---> 350ad6186f0b
Successfully built 350ad6186f0b
Successfully tagged bigni/centos_exec:latest
[root@localhost test]# docker image ls -a
bigni/centos_exec latest 350ad6186f0b seconds ago 202MB
bigni/centos_shell latest fc84f5de7f3b seconds ago 202MB
<none> <none> 43e2ff86b0c7 seconds ago 202MB
bigni/centos_vim latest f853f2a3f901 hours ago 362MB
<none> <none> 3ec8199c2855 hours ago 861kB
bigni/test1 latest f5620b92331c hours ago 861kB
ubuntu 14.04 2c5e00d77a67 weeks ago 188MB
centos latest 9f38484d220f months ago 202MB
hello-world latest fce289e99eb9 months ago .84kB
[root@localhost test]# docker run bigni/centos_shell
Docker so easy
[root@localhost test]# docker run bigni/centos_exec
$name so easy
[root@localhost test]# vim dockerfile2/Dockerfile
[root@localhost test]# cat dockerfile2/Dockerfile
from centos
ENV name Docker
ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/bash","-c","/bin/echo $name so easy"]
[root@localhost test]# docker build -t bigni/centos_exec_new ./dockerfile2/
Sending build context to Docker daemon .048kB
Step / : from centos
---> 9f38484d220f
Step / : ENV name Docker
---> Using cache
---> 43e2ff86b0c7
Step / : ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/bash","-c","/bin/echo $name so easy"]
---> Running in c64527904495
Removing intermediate container c64527904495
---> 6713eb2d0b46
Successfully built 6713eb2d0b46
Successfully tagged bigni/centos_exec_new:latest
[root@localhost test]# docker run bigni/centos_exec_new
Docker so easy
[root@localhost test]#


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