
本文使用的是Github上一位大神训练的YOLO3开源的项目。这个项目提供了很多使用 YOLOv3 的模型,包括对象检测、迁移学习、从头开始训练模型等。其中提供了一个脚本文件yolo3_one_file_to_detect_them_all.py,作者表示单独运行即可进行目标检测。

但是经过测试,还是有几个坑。所以我把代码分解成几个功能模块,在jupyter notebook上单独运行,查出bug后,即可正常运行。

本文操作十分方便,直接下载权重文件,将后面三部分代码拷贝至jupyter notebook运行即可(前提是需要安装库numpy、Keras、cv2),不需要其他的脚本文件。

第一步:下载权重文件 https://pjreddie.com/media/files/yolov3.weights

这个权重是在MS COCO上训练的结果,因此可以检测80种目标。


import argparse
import os
import numpy as np
from keras.layers import Conv2D, Input, BatchNormalization, LeakyReLU, ZeroPadding2D, UpSampling2D
from keras.layers.merge import add, concatenate
from keras.models import Model
import struct
import cv2 #改动1:这里报错,和我机器不一致,所以注释掉
#os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"]="0" argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='test yolov3 network with coco weights') argparser.add_argument(
help='path to weights file') argparser.add_argument(
help='path to image file') class WeightReader:
def __init__(self, weight_file):
with open(weight_file, 'rb') as w_f:
major, = struct.unpack('i', w_f.read(4))
minor, = struct.unpack('i', w_f.read(4))
revision, = struct.unpack('i', w_f.read(4)) if (major*10 + minor) >= 2 and major < 1000 and minor < 1000:
w_f.read(4) transpose = (major > 1000) or (minor > 1000) binary = w_f.read() self.offset = 0
self.all_weights = np.frombuffer(binary, dtype='float32') def read_bytes(self, size):
self.offset = self.offset + size
return self.all_weights[self.offset-size:self.offset] def load_weights(self, model):
for i in range(106):
conv_layer = model.get_layer('conv_' + str(i))
print("loading weights of convolution #" + str(i)) if i not in [81, 93, 105]:
norm_layer = model.get_layer('bnorm_' + str(i)) size = np.prod(norm_layer.get_weights()[0].shape) beta = self.read_bytes(size) # bias
gamma = self.read_bytes(size) # scale
mean = self.read_bytes(size) # mean
var = self.read_bytes(size) # variance weights = norm_layer.set_weights([gamma, beta, mean, var]) if len(conv_layer.get_weights()) > 1:
bias = self.read_bytes(np.prod(conv_layer.get_weights()[1].shape))
kernel = self.read_bytes(np.prod(conv_layer.get_weights()[0].shape)) kernel = kernel.reshape(list(reversed(conv_layer.get_weights()[0].shape)))
kernel = kernel.transpose([2,3,1,0])
conv_layer.set_weights([kernel, bias])
kernel = self.read_bytes(np.prod(conv_layer.get_weights()[0].shape))
kernel = kernel.reshape(list(reversed(conv_layer.get_weights()[0].shape)))
kernel = kernel.transpose([2,3,1,0])
except ValueError:
print("no convolution #" + str(i)) def reset(self):
self.offset = 0 class BoundBox:
def __init__(self, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, objness = None, classes = None):
self.xmin = xmin
self.ymin = ymin
self.xmax = xmax
self.ymax = ymax self.objness = objness
self.classes = classes self.label = -1
self.score = -1 def get_label(self):
if self.label == -1:
self.label = np.argmax(self.classes) return self.label def get_score(self):
if self.score == -1:
self.score = self.classes[self.get_label()] return self.score def _conv_block(inp, convs, skip=True):
x = inp
count = 0 for conv in convs:
if count == (len(convs) - 2) and skip:
skip_connection = x
count += 1 if conv['stride'] > 1: x = ZeroPadding2D(((1,0),(1,0)))(x) # peculiar padding as darknet prefer left and top
x = Conv2D(conv['filter'],
padding='valid' if conv['stride'] > 1 else 'same', # peculiar padding as darknet prefer left and top
name='conv_' + str(conv['layer_idx']),
use_bias=False if conv['bnorm'] else True)(x)
if conv['bnorm']: x = BatchNormalization(epsilon=0.001, name='bnorm_' + str(conv['layer_idx']))(x)
if conv['leaky']: x = LeakyReLU(alpha=0.1, name='leaky_' + str(conv['layer_idx']))(x) return add([skip_connection, x]) if skip else x def _interval_overlap(interval_a, interval_b):
x1, x2 = interval_a
x3, x4 = interval_b if x3 < x1:
if x4 < x1:
return 0
return min(x2,x4) - x1
if x2 < x3:
return 0
return min(x2,x4) - x3 def _sigmoid(x):
return 1. / (1. + np.exp(-x)) def bbox_iou(box1, box2):
intersect_w = _interval_overlap([box1.xmin, box1.xmax], [box2.xmin, box2.xmax])
intersect_h = _interval_overlap([box1.ymin, box1.ymax], [box2.ymin, box2.ymax]) intersect = intersect_w * intersect_h w1, h1 = box1.xmax-box1.xmin, box1.ymax-box1.ymin
w2, h2 = box2.xmax-box2.xmin, box2.ymax-box2.ymin union = w1*h1 + w2*h2 - intersect return float(intersect) / union def make_yolov3_model():
input_image = Input(shape=(None, None, 3)) # Layer 0 => 4
x = _conv_block(input_image, [{'filter': 32, 'kernel': 3, 'stride': 1, 'bnorm': True, 'leaky': True, 'layer_idx': 0},
{'filter': 64, 'kernel': 3, 'stride': 2, 'bnorm': True, 'leaky': True, 'layer_idx': 1},
{'filter': 32, 'kernel': 1, 'stride': 1, 'bnorm': True, 'leaky': True, 'layer_idx': 2},
{'filter': 64, 'kernel': 3, 'stride': 1, 'bnorm': True, 'leaky': True, 'layer_idx': 3}]) # Layer 5 => 8
x = _conv_block(x, [{'filter': 128, 'kernel': 3, 'stride': 2, 'bnorm': True, 'leaky': True, 'layer_idx': 5},
{'filter': 64, 'kernel': 1, 'stride': 1, 'bnorm': True, 'leaky': True, 'layer_idx': 6},
{'filter': 128, 'kernel': 3, 'stride': 1, 'bnorm': True, 'leaky': True, 'layer_idx': 7}]) # Layer 9 => 11
x = _conv_block(x, [{'filter': 64, 'kernel': 1, 'stride': 1, 'bnorm': True, 'leaky': True, 'layer_idx': 9},
{'filter': 128, 'kernel': 3, 'stride': 1, 'bnorm': True, 'leaky': True, 'layer_idx': 10}]) # Layer 12 => 15
x = _conv_block(x, [{'filter': 256, 'kernel': 3, 'stride': 2, 'bnorm': True, 'leaky': True, 'layer_idx': 12},
{'filter': 128, 'kernel': 1, 'stride': 1, 'bnorm': True, 'leaky': True, 'layer_idx': 13},
{'filter': 256, 'kernel': 3, 'stride': 1, 'bnorm': True, 'leaky': True, 'layer_idx': 14}]) # Layer 16 => 36
for i in range(7):
x = _conv_block(x, [{'filter': 128, 'kernel': 1, 'stride': 1, 'bnorm': True, 'leaky': True, 'layer_idx': 16+i*3},
{'filter': 256, 'kernel': 3, 'stride': 1, 'bnorm': True, 'leaky': True, 'layer_idx': 17+i*3}]) skip_36 = x # Layer 37 => 40
x = _conv_block(x, [{'filter': 512, 'kernel': 3, 'stride': 2, 'bnorm': True, 'leaky': True, 'layer_idx': 37},
{'filter': 256, 'kernel': 1, 'stride': 1, 'bnorm': True, 'leaky': True, 'layer_idx': 38},
{'filter': 512, 'kernel': 3, 'stride': 1, 'bnorm': True, 'leaky': True, 'layer_idx': 39}]) # Layer 41 => 61
for i in range(7):
x = _conv_block(x, [{'filter': 256, 'kernel': 1, 'stride': 1, 'bnorm': True, 'leaky': True, 'layer_idx': 41+i*3},
{'filter': 512, 'kernel': 3, 'stride': 1, 'bnorm': True, 'leaky': True, 'layer_idx': 42+i*3}]) skip_61 = x # Layer 62 => 65
x = _conv_block(x, [{'filter': 1024, 'kernel': 3, 'stride': 2, 'bnorm': True, 'leaky': True, 'layer_idx': 62},
{'filter': 512, 'kernel': 1, 'stride': 1, 'bnorm': True, 'leaky': True, 'layer_idx': 63},
{'filter': 1024, 'kernel': 3, 'stride': 1, 'bnorm': True, 'leaky': True, 'layer_idx': 64}]) # Layer 66 => 74
for i in range(3):
x = _conv_block(x, [{'filter': 512, 'kernel': 1, 'stride': 1, 'bnorm': True, 'leaky': True, 'layer_idx': 66+i*3},
{'filter': 1024, 'kernel': 3, 'stride': 1, 'bnorm': True, 'leaky': True, 'layer_idx': 67+i*3}]) # Layer 75 => 79
x = _conv_block(x, [{'filter': 512, 'kernel': 1, 'stride': 1, 'bnorm': True, 'leaky': True, 'layer_idx': 75},
{'filter': 1024, 'kernel': 3, 'stride': 1, 'bnorm': True, 'leaky': True, 'layer_idx': 76},
{'filter': 512, 'kernel': 1, 'stride': 1, 'bnorm': True, 'leaky': True, 'layer_idx': 77},
{'filter': 1024, 'kernel': 3, 'stride': 1, 'bnorm': True, 'leaky': True, 'layer_idx': 78},
{'filter': 512, 'kernel': 1, 'stride': 1, 'bnorm': True, 'leaky': True, 'layer_idx': 79}], skip=False) # Layer 80 => 82
yolo_82 = _conv_block(x, [{'filter': 1024, 'kernel': 3, 'stride': 1, 'bnorm': True, 'leaky': True, 'layer_idx': 80},
{'filter': 255, 'kernel': 1, 'stride': 1, 'bnorm': False, 'leaky': False, 'layer_idx': 81}], skip=False) # Layer 83 => 86
x = _conv_block(x, [{'filter': 256, 'kernel': 1, 'stride': 1, 'bnorm': True, 'leaky': True, 'layer_idx': 84}], skip=False)
x = UpSampling2D(2)(x)
x = concatenate([x, skip_61]) # Layer 87 => 91
x = _conv_block(x, [{'filter': 256, 'kernel': 1, 'stride': 1, 'bnorm': True, 'leaky': True, 'layer_idx': 87},
{'filter': 512, 'kernel': 3, 'stride': 1, 'bnorm': True, 'leaky': True, 'layer_idx': 88},
{'filter': 256, 'kernel': 1, 'stride': 1, 'bnorm': True, 'leaky': True, 'layer_idx': 89},
{'filter': 512, 'kernel': 3, 'stride': 1, 'bnorm': True, 'leaky': True, 'layer_idx': 90},
{'filter': 256, 'kernel': 1, 'stride': 1, 'bnorm': True, 'leaky': True, 'layer_idx': 91}], skip=False) # Layer 92 => 94
yolo_94 = _conv_block(x, [{'filter': 512, 'kernel': 3, 'stride': 1, 'bnorm': True, 'leaky': True, 'layer_idx': 92},
{'filter': 255, 'kernel': 1, 'stride': 1, 'bnorm': False, 'leaky': False, 'layer_idx': 93}], skip=False) # Layer 95 => 98
x = _conv_block(x, [{'filter': 128, 'kernel': 1, 'stride': 1, 'bnorm': True, 'leaky': True, 'layer_idx': 96}], skip=False)
x = UpSampling2D(2)(x)
x = concatenate([x, skip_36]) # Layer 99 => 106
yolo_106 = _conv_block(x, [{'filter': 128, 'kernel': 1, 'stride': 1, 'bnorm': True, 'leaky': True, 'layer_idx': 99},
{'filter': 256, 'kernel': 3, 'stride': 1, 'bnorm': True, 'leaky': True, 'layer_idx': 100},
{'filter': 128, 'kernel': 1, 'stride': 1, 'bnorm': True, 'leaky': True, 'layer_idx': 101},
{'filter': 256, 'kernel': 3, 'stride': 1, 'bnorm': True, 'leaky': True, 'layer_idx': 102},
{'filter': 128, 'kernel': 1, 'stride': 1, 'bnorm': True, 'leaky': True, 'layer_idx': 103},
{'filter': 256, 'kernel': 3, 'stride': 1, 'bnorm': True, 'leaky': True, 'layer_idx': 104},
{'filter': 255, 'kernel': 1, 'stride': 1, 'bnorm': False, 'leaky': False, 'layer_idx': 105}], skip=False) model = Model(input_image, [yolo_82, yolo_94, yolo_106])
return model def preprocess_input(image, net_h, net_w):
new_h, new_w, _ = image.shape # determine the new size of the image
if (float(net_w)/new_w) < (float(net_h)/new_h):
new_h = (new_h * net_w)/new_w
new_w = net_w
new_w = (new_w * net_h)/new_h
new_h = net_h # resize the image to the new size
resized = cv2.resize(image[:,:,::-1]/255., (int(new_w), int(new_h))) # embed the image into the standard letter box
new_image = np.ones((net_h, net_w, 3)) * 0.5
#new_image[int((net_h-new_h)//2):int((net_h+new_h)//2), int((net_w-new_w)//2):int((net_w+new_w)//2), :] = resized
new_image[int((net_h-int(new_h))//2):int((net_h+int(new_h))//2), int((net_w-int(new_w))//2):int((net_w+int(new_w))//2), :] = resized
new_image = np.expand_dims(new_image, 0) return new_image def decode_netout(netout, anchors, obj_thresh, nms_thresh, net_h, net_w):
grid_h, grid_w = netout.shape[:2]
nb_box = 3
netout = netout.reshape((grid_h, grid_w, nb_box, -1))
nb_class = netout.shape[-1] - 5 boxes = [] netout[..., :2] = _sigmoid(netout[..., :2])
netout[..., 4:] = _sigmoid(netout[..., 4:])
netout[..., 5:] = netout[..., 4][..., np.newaxis] * netout[..., 5:]
netout[..., 5:] *= netout[..., 5:] > obj_thresh for i in range(grid_h*grid_w):
row = i / grid_w
col = i % grid_w for b in range(nb_box):
# 4th element is objectness score
objectness = netout[int(row)][int(col)][b][4]
#objectness = netout[..., :4] if(objectness.all() <= obj_thresh): continue # first 4 elements are x, y, w, and h
x, y, w, h = netout[int(row)][int(col)][b][:4] x = (col + x) / grid_w # center position, unit: image width
y = (row + y) / grid_h # center position, unit: image height
w = anchors[2 * b + 0] * np.exp(w) / net_w # unit: image width
h = anchors[2 * b + 1] * np.exp(h) / net_h # unit: image height # last elements are class probabilities
classes = netout[int(row)][col][b][5:] box = BoundBox(x-w/2, y-h/2, x+w/2, y+h/2, objectness, classes)
#box = BoundBox(x-w/2, y-h/2, x+w/2, y+h/2, None, classes) boxes.append(box) return boxes def correct_yolo_boxes(boxes, image_h, image_w, net_h, net_w):
if (float(net_w)/image_w) < (float(net_h)/image_h):
new_w = net_w
new_h = (image_h*net_w)/image_w
new_h = net_w
new_w = (image_w*net_h)/image_h for i in range(len(boxes)):
x_offset, x_scale = (net_w - new_w)/2./net_w, float(new_w)/net_w
y_offset, y_scale = (net_h - new_h)/2./net_h, float(new_h)/net_h boxes[i].xmin = int((boxes[i].xmin - x_offset) / x_scale * image_w)
boxes[i].xmax = int((boxes[i].xmax - x_offset) / x_scale * image_w)
boxes[i].ymin = int((boxes[i].ymin - y_offset) / y_scale * image_h)
boxes[i].ymax = int((boxes[i].ymax - y_offset) / y_scale * image_h) def do_nms(boxes, nms_thresh):
if len(boxes) > 0:
nb_class = len(boxes[0].classes)
return for c in range(nb_class):
sorted_indices = np.argsort([-box.classes[c] for box in boxes]) for i in range(len(sorted_indices)):
index_i = sorted_indices[i] if boxes[index_i].classes[c] == 0: continue for j in range(i+1, len(sorted_indices)):
index_j = sorted_indices[j] if bbox_iou(boxes[index_i], boxes[index_j]) >= nms_thresh:
boxes[index_j].classes[c] = 0 def draw_boxes(image, boxes, labels, obj_thresh):
for box in boxes:
label_str = ''
label = -1 for i in range(len(labels)):
if box.classes[i] > obj_thresh:
label_str += labels[i]
label = i
print(labels[i] + ': ' + str(box.classes[i]*100) + '%') if label >= 0:
cv2.rectangle(image, (box.xmin,box.ymin), (box.xmax,box.ymax), (0,255,0), 3)
# label_str + ' ' + str(box.get_score()),
# (box.xmin, box.ymin - 13),
# 1e-3 * image.shape[0],
# (0,255,0), 2)
cv2.rectangle(image, (box.xmin,box.ymin), (box.xmin+125,box.ymin+20), (238,238,0), -1)
tag = '{}: {:.3f}'.format(label_str, box.get_score())
(box.xmin+5, box.ymin+15),
1.4e-3 * image.shape[0],
(255,0,0), 2) return image


weights_path = 'MyFiles/yolov3.weights' #这里是权重文件路径 # make the yolov3 model to predict 80 classes on COCO
yolov3 = make_yolov3_model() # load the weights trained on COCO into the model
weight_reader = WeightReader(weights_path)



net_h, net_w = 416, 416
obj_thresh, nms_thresh = 0.5, 0.45
anchors = [[116,90, 156,198, 373,326], [30,61, 62,45, 59,119], [10,13, 16,30, 33,23]]
labels = ["person", "bicycle", "car", "motorbike", "aeroplane", "bus", "train", "truck", \
"boat", "traffic light", "fire hydrant", "stop sign", "parking meter", "bench", \
"bird", "cat", "dog", "horse", "sheep", "cow", "elephant", "bear", "zebra", "giraffe", \
"backpack", "umbrella", "handbag", "tie", "suitcase", "frisbee", "skis", "snowboard", \
"sports ball", "kite", "baseball bat", "baseball glove", "skateboard", "surfboard", \
"tennis racket", "bottle", "wine glass", "cup", "fork", "knife", "spoon", "bowl", "banana", \
"apple", "sandwich", "orange", "broccoli", "carrot", "hot dog", "pizza", "donut", "cake", \
"chair", "sofa", "pottedplant", "bed", "diningtable", "toilet", "tvmonitor", "laptop", "mouse", \
"remote", "keyboard", "cell phone", "microwave", "oven", "toaster", "sink", "refrigerator", \
"book", "clock", "vase", "scissors", "teddy bear", "hair drier", "toothbrush"] ###########################预测图像################################
image_path = 'MyFiles/zebra.jpg' #要预测的图像路径 # preprocess the image
image = cv2.imread(image_path)
image_h, image_w, _ = image.shape
new_image = preprocess_input(image, net_h, net_w) # run the prediction
yolos = yolov3.predict(new_image)
boxes = [] for i in range(len(yolos)):
# decode the output of the network
boxes += decode_netout(yolos[i][0], anchors[i], obj_thresh, nms_thresh, net_h, net_w) # correct the sizes of the bounding boxes
correct_yolo_boxes(boxes, image_h, image_w, net_h, net_w) # suppress non-maximal boxes
do_nms(boxes, nms_thresh) # draw bounding boxes on the image using labels
draw_boxes(image, boxes, labels, obj_thresh) # write the image with bounding boxes to file
cv2.imwrite(image_path[:-4] + '_detected' + image_path[-4:], (image).astype('uint8'))


  • 第一次是最开始的环境设置代码,直接注释掉即可;
  • 第二次错误指向第二步的preprocess_input()函数 ValueError: could not broadcast input array from shape (250,416,3) into shape (251,416,3)。模型输入指定尺寸是(416,416),示例图像的像素是(386,640),将其带入preprocess_input函数后,发现 new_image[...] = resized 这一步出现了浮点数截断带来的问题,因此注释掉,换成本文中代码。


这个检测结果标签不清楚,于是将边框绘制函数 draw_boxes() 改成本文中代码,结果如下,虽然美观不足,但足够清楚。







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    day15 python   一.匿名函数 lambda     1.lambda函数 def func(n):                #普通函数, 功能比较简单, 当函数多的时候, 起名也不 ...

  3. 剑指Offer-51.构建乘积数组(C++/Java)

    题目: 给定一个数组A[0,1,...,n-1],请构建一个数组B[0,1,...,n-1],其中B中的元素B[i]=A[0]*A[1]*...*A[i-1]*A[i+1]*...*A[n-1].不能 ...

  4. pandas.DataFrame.sample

    DataFrame.sample(n=None, frac=None, replace=False, weights=None, random_state=None, axis=None)[sourc ...

  5. 【leetcode】1008. Construct Binary Search Tree from Preorder Traversal

    题目如下: Return the root node of a binary search tree that matches the given preorder traversal. (Recal ...

  6. 【JVM】吞吐量与延迟关系

    堆内存增大,gc一次能处理的数量变大,吞吐量大:但是gc一次的时间会变长,导致后面排队的线程等待时间变长: 向反,如果堆内存小,gc一次时间短,排队等待的线程等待时间变短,延迟减少,但一次请求的数量变 ...

  7. mybatis整合redis二级缓存

    mybatis默认开启了二级缓存功能,在mybatis主配置文件中,将cacheEnabled设置成false,则会关闭二级缓存功能 <settings> <!--二级缓存默认开启, ...

  8. spring-boot整合Mybatis案例(注解方式)

    1.运行环境 开发工具:intellij idea JDK版本:1.8 项目管理工具:Maven 4.0.0 2.GITHUB地址 https://github.com/nbfujx/springBo ...

  9. 4412 Linux定时器

    一.Linux定时器基础知识 1.1 定时器的使用范围 延后执行某个操作,定时查询某个状态:前提是对时间要求不高的地方 1.2 内核时间概念 Hz:(系统时钟通过CONFIG_HZ来设置,范围是100 ...

  10. C# 调用windows时间同步服务获取准确时间

    //创建一个Daytime类代码如下:using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using S ...