Dart编程实例 - 相等和关系操作符

void main() {

   var num1 = 5;

   var num2 = 9;

   var res = num1>num2;

   print('num1 greater than num2 ::  ' +res.toString());

   res = num1<num2;

   print('num1 lesser than  num2 ::  ' +res.toString());

   res = num1 >= num2;

   print('num1 greater than or equal to num2 ::  ' +res.toString());

   res = num1 <= num2;

   print('num1 lesser than or equal to num2  ::  ' +res.toString());

   res = num1 != num2;

   print('num1 not equal to num2 ::  ' +res.toString());

   res = num1 == num2;

   print('num1 equal to num2 ::  ' +res.toString());



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