【leetcode】1109. Corporate Flight Bookings
There are
flights, and they are labeled from1
.We have a list of flight bookings. The
-th bookingbookings[i] = [i, j, k]
means that we bookedk
seats from flights labeledi
inclusive.Return an array
of lengthn
, representing the number of seats booked on each flight in order of their label.Example 1:
Input: bookings = [[1,2,10],[2,3,20],[2,5,25]], n = 5
Output: [10,55,45,25,25]Constraints:
1 <= bookings.length <= 20000
1 <= bookings[i][0] <= bookings[i][1] <= n <= 20000
1 <= bookings[i][2] <= 10000
class Solution(object):
def corpFlightBookings(self, bookings, n):
:type bookings: List[List[int]]
:type n: int
:rtype: List[int]
segment = [0] * (4 * n + 1)
def recursive(start,end,low,high,inx,val):
#print start,end,low,high,inx,val
if low > high:
if start == low and end == high:
segment[inx] += val
mid = (low + high)/2
#if start == low and end == high:
# recursive(start, mid, low, mid, inx * 2, val)
# recursive(mid + 1, end, mid + 1, high, inx * 2 + 1, val)
if end <= mid:
elif start > mid:
recursive(start, end, mid + 1, high, inx * 2+1, val)
recursive(start, mid, low, mid, inx * 2, val)
recursive(mid+1, end, mid+1, high, inx * 2 + 1, val) res = [0] * n
def query(inx,low,high,segment_inx,node_inx):
if segment_inx >= len(segment):
mid = (low + high)/2
res[node_inx] += segment[segment_inx]
if inx <= mid:
query(inx, mid+1, high, segment_inx * 2 + 1, node_inx) for (start,end,val) in bookings:
recursive(start,end,1,n,1,val) for i in range(1,n+1):
return res
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