一. 二进制转换成图片
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(bytes); ms.Position = ; Image img = Image.FromStream(ms); ms.Close(); this.pictureBox1.Image 二. C#中byte[]与string的转换代码 、System.Text.UnicodeEncoding converter = new System.Text.UnicodeEncoding();
  byte[] inputBytes =converter.GetBytes(inputString);
  string inputString = converter.GetString(inputBytes); 、string inputString = System.Convert.ToBase64String(inputBytes);
  byte[] inputBytes = System.Convert.FromBase64String(inputString); FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read); 三. C# Stream 和 byte[] 之间的转换 /// 将 Stream 转成 byte[] public byte[] StreamToBytes(Stream stream) { byte[] bytes = new byte[stream.Length]; stream.Read(bytes, , bytes.Length); // 设置当前流的位置为流的开始 stream.Seek(, SeekOrigin.Begin); return bytes; } /// 将 byte[] 转成 Stream public Stream BytesToStream(byte[] bytes) { Stream stream = new MemoryStream(bytes); return stream; } 四. Stream 和 文件之间的转换 将 Stream 写入文件 public void StreamToFile(Stream stream,string fileName) { // 把 Stream 转换成 byte[] byte[] bytes = new byte[stream.Length]; stream.Read(bytes, , bytes.Length); // 设置当前流的位置为流的开始 stream.Seek(, SeekOrigin.Begin); // 把 byte[] 写入文件 FileStream fs = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Create); BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(fs); bw.Write(bytes); bw.Close(); fs.Close(); } 五. 从文件读取 Stream public Stream FileToStream(string fileName) { // 打开文件 FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read); // 读取文件的 byte[] byte[] bytes = new byte[fileStream.Length]; fileStream.Read(bytes, , bytes.Length); fileStream.Close(); // 把 byte[] 转换成 Stream Stream stream = new MemoryStream(bytes); return stream; }

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