# coding=utf-8 import json import requests class TestApi(object): """ /* @param: @session ,@cookies the request can be divided into session request and cookie request according to user's own choice however,url and header is must ,other parameters are given by user to make it is None or not */ """ def get(self,url,param,header,cookie=None,session=None,**kwargs): if session: return session.request("GET",url,param,headers=header,**kwargs) elif cookie: return requests.get(url,params=param,headers=header,cookies=cookie,**kwargs) """ /* @param: @session ,@cookies 传入的是dict类型 python object 对象 header is form data: application/x-www-urlencoded transfer data to data directly ,finally requests's submit will be like 'aa=dd&bb=ff' formation header is json :application/json due to the data can be 'str','dict'and tuple and so on ,so when we choose data and data is given by dict,we must transfer it to json str,but when is json type str ,we must must transfer python object dict to json str with json.dumps(), finally the request submit data format is str like: 'aa=dd&bb=ff',but when choose json the submit will become like {'a': 'cc' ,'b': 'dd'} , data and json cant not be used in the requests at the same time */ """ def post_data(self,url,type,data,header,cookie=None,session=None,**kwargs): if cookie: if type is "data": return,data=data,headers=header,cookies=cookie,**kwargs) elif type is "json": return,data=json.dumps(data),headers=header,cookies=cookie,**kwargs) elif session: if type is "data": return session.request("POST",url,data=data,headers=header,cookies=cookie,**kwargs) elif type is "json": return session.request("POST",url,data=json.dumps(data),headers=header,cookies=cookie,**kwargs) """ /* @:param:@json object json的value为传入的json对象 请求header默认:ContentType: application/json */ """ def post_json(self,url,header,json,cookie=None,session=None,**kwargs): if cookie: return,headers=header,json=json,cookies=cookie,**kwargs) elif session: return session.request("POST",url,headers=header,json=json,**kwargs) """ /* @:param: @url,@data,@**kwargs Tip: header you need to according to your api to be given in **kwargs position */ """ def put(self,url,data,cookie=None,session=None,**kwargs): if cookie: return requests.put(url,data,cookies=cookie,**kwargs) elif session: return session.request("PUT",url,data,**kwargs) """ /* @:param: @url,@data,@**kwargs Tip: header you need to according to your api to given in **kwargs position */ """ def delete(self,url,data,cookie=None,session=None,**kwargs): if cookie: return requests.delete(url,data,cookies=cookie,**kwargs) elif session: return session.request("DELETE",url,data,**kwargs) # coding=utf-8 from ruamel import yaml from API.apitest import * """ /*@param: python version 3.7 第一步制造配置文件yaml或者json都可以保存请求报文接口参数的: 写入方法很简单见:Jsread.py的Yml,Js类的write()方法 */ """ class Yml(object): def __init__(self, yml_path): self.yml_path = yml_path def read(self): with open(self.yml_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8')as f: data = yaml.load(f,Loader=yaml.Loader) return data class EnvParameter(object): def __init__(self, con_path): defaults = {"url": None, "header": None, "data": None, "method": None, "param": None, "type": None, "json": None} self.cookies = None self.session = None self.con_path = con_path dict = Yml(self.con_path).read() defaults.update(dict) self.url = defaults["url"] self.header = defaults["header"] self.method = defaults["method"] = defaults["data"] self.param = defaults["param"] self.json = defaults["json"] self.type = defaults["type"] class TestSend(EnvParameter): def __init__(self,config_path,cookie1=None,session1=None): # EnvParameter.__init__(self,conpath=None ,url=None,method=None,header=None,type=None,data=None,param=None,json=None,cookies=None,session=None) EnvParameter.__init__(self,config_path) self.session=session1 self.cookie1=cookie1 # print(self.param,self.type) #测试下类继承效果 def send(self): if self.method.upper()=="GET": rep=TestApi().get(self.url,self.param,self.header,cookie=self.cookie1,session=self.session) return rep elif self.method.upper()=="POST": rep=TestApi().post_data(self.url,self.type,,self.header,cookie=self.cookie1,session=self.session1) return rep elif self.method.upper()=="PUT": rep=TestApi().put(self.url,,cookie=self.cookie1,session=self.session1) return rep elif self.method.upper()=="DELETE": rep=TestApi().delete(self.url,,cookie=self.cookie1,session=self.session1) return rep # if __name__ == "__main__": # TestSend('./conf.yaml') import unittest import requests from API.testyaml import * class Interface(unittest.TestCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): global session s = requests.session() requests.get(url="") session =s print("---------------开始测试所有接口--------------") @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): """清除cookie""" session.cookies.clear() #也可以这样写 session.cookies=None print("---------------加载所有接口结束销毁cookie--------------") def test_001(self): response=TestSend('./conf.yaml',session1=session).send() print(response.status_code) if __name__ =="__main__": unittest.main() 详情也可以见我的csdn地址 --------------------- 作者:流浪的python 来源:CSDN 原文: 版权声明:本文为博主原创文章,转载请附上博文链接!
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