1. Rotate Image 旋转图像



顺时针旋转180度:水平翻转和竖直翻转各一次。 逆时针旋转180度效果同顺时针180度。

2.Set Matrix Zeroes


2.扫描剩下的矩阵元素,如果遇到了0,就将对应的第一行和第一列上的元素赋值为0 (反正早晚都要对它赋0,现在赋0能起到标记作用)

ref:  http://fisherlei.blogspot.com/2013/01/leetcode-set-matrix-zeroes.html

3. gas station

consider the case that, if started at station i, and when goes to the station j, there is not enough gas to go the j+1 station. What happened now? For the brutal force method, we go back to the station i+1 and do the same thing. But, actually, if the accumutive gas cannot make it from j to j+1, then the stations from i to j are all not the start station.

That is because, (1)the tank is unlimited, every time arrive to the station, the tank will fuel the max gas here, and comsume the cost to go to the next. (2)There can not be negative tank when arriving a station, at least the tank is empty. So, if i to j cannot go to j+1, then i+1 to j still cannot go to j+1... In this way, the next starting station we will try is not i+1, but the j+1. And after a single loop from i to j, we can find the result!

原因很简单:tank里的油量是不可能是负数的。如果你从起点i处到j都到不了,那从i+1就更不可能到j了,因为从i到i+1后tank里可能会有些剩余的油,最差情况就是从i 到i+1后tank刚好空。如果带着剩余的油从i+1都到不了j,那以白手起家的状态从i+1出发更不可能到j了。

所以,如果从i到j的累积和为负,那i不用从i+1开始继续循环,直接跳到 j 处开始循环就行了。

explanation ref: http://yucoding.blogspot.com/2013/12/leetcode-question-gas-station.html

code refer to soulmachine.

4. candy


举个最简单的例子,如果ratings是5,4,3,2,1, 从左向右扫能到的candy数1,1,1,1,1,但从右向左扫能到的candy数是1,2,3,4,5。


ref: http://yucoding.blogspot.com/2014/02/leetcode-question-candy.html

5. single number II


 class Solution {
int singleNumber(vector<int>& nums) {
int n = nums.size();
vector<int> count(sizeof(int) * , );
for (int i = ; i < sizeof(int) * ; i++) {
for (int j = ; j < n; j++) {
count[i] += (nums[j] >> i) & ;
int result = ;
for (int i = ; i < count.size(); i++) {
result += (count[i] % ) << i;
return result;

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