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Code :

public class FirstJavaClass {

	// function
public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("hello world");
// syso -> cntrl+space
System.out.println(65465); // DATATYPES
int x = 100; // cannot store decimals - 32 bits
System.out.println(x); long var =3000L;// cannot store decimals - 64 bits
char c='y'; // just one place
boolean b=true; // true or false System.out.println(3>12); int q=100;
int w=200; boolean x1=q>w; System.out.println(x1); // IF statements
System.out.println("q is lesser");
}else if(q==w){
System.out.println("q is equal to w");
System.out.println("q is greater");
} // STRING class
String str = "hello how are you";


Result :

hello world
q is lesser


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