ShipStation today unveiled a first-of-its-kind service to leverage Amazon Web Services and’s fulfillment capability to automatically ship products sold by online retailers through multiple marketplaces.

The new module coordinates the data exchange between the marketplace, the buyer and the carrier. It consolidates the purchases made from multiple channels such as eBay and Sears and manages the shipping through carriers such as FedEx and UPS.

Before, retailers could send orders through Amazon and have all the fulfillment done for them. But for products sold on other marketplaces, they would have to do all the work themselves. ShipStation’s new service means all the fulfillment goes through Amazon no matter what marketplace was used to buy the product. No more stuffing boxes, no more making stickers — Amazon does it all.

ShipStation uses Amazon s3 to store the data for the shipping orders and uses AWS to send high-volume email on behalf of the retailer. This saves ShipStation a lot of money that it can pass on to the customer. Before, a retailer would sell through multiple channels but only use Amazon fulfillment for products it sold through That made it easier for retailers who sold through Amazon but for every other marketplace, such as eBay, it meant doing the fulfillment manually.

Many of the companies that use the cloud depend on AWS. But for retailers, ShipStation’s new module offers the capability to get the most out of the AWS infrastructure and the fulfillment technology, arguably the most sophisticated in the world.

ShipStation is pioneering a new space. It’s representative of other companies that have successfully leveraged Amazon’s platform to differentiate among its competitors in the market. The three-year-old, Austin-based ShipStation competes with other shipping solutions, such as ShipWorks, which offers a software solution.

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