一个改动配置文件的linux shell script
如今,须要通过web界面给用户留出接口来改动类似配置文件,大的方法是从php调用linux shell script,于是,如今贴一个能够改动此种配置文件的linux shell。
- [unit1]
- field1=value1
- field2=value2
- [unit2]
- field1=value3
- field3=value4
- ...
- ...
- dbms_ip=localhost
- user=root
- passwd=cloud
- db_name=cloud
- port=2394
- port=9084
- pcap_file=test.pcap
上文中引用博客正是能读取这种配置文件。而眼下我们便是要通过linux shell来改动这个配置文件。
我们设计的程序名为 modify_config_file,使用 ./modify_config_file unit1-field1=changed_value1 unit2-field1=changed_value2 这种格式(參数能够继续加入)来进行改动。
- #!/bin/bash
- PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin
- export PATH
- #Program
- # This program is to modify the configuration file
- #History
- # 2014.10.30 WeiZheng 1.1
- MY_HOME="/home/weizheng/10-30-yg/yg-soft"
- CONFIG_FILE="$MY_HOME/config.ini"
- function get_line_num()
- {
- # Check if the argument name has the separator "-" that separate the argument unit and argument field
- separator=$(echo $1 | grep "-")
- if [ -z "$separator" ]; then
- echo -e "error: \"$1\": argument name has no separator \"-\" that separate the argument unit and argument field"
- exit $ERROR_NUM
- fi
- # Check if the argument name has argument unit and argument field
- arg_unit=$(echo $1 | cut -d "-" -f 1)
- arg_field=$(echo $1 | cut -d "-" -f 2)
- if [ -z "$arg_unit" -o -z "$arg_field" ]; then
- echo -e "error: \"$1\": argument name has no argument unit or argument field around \"-\""
- exit $ERROR_NUM
- fi
- # Get the argument unit's interval [$arg_unit_line_num, $next_neighbour_unit_line_num)
- arg_unit_line_num=$(grep -n "\[$arg_unit\]" $CONFIG_FILE | cut -d ":" -f1)
- if [ -z "$arg_unit_line_num" ]; then
- echo -e "error: \"$arg_unit\": can not find argument unit"
- exit $ERROR_NUM
- fi
- next_neighbour_unit_line_num=$(awk "NR>$arg_unit_line_num && /^\[.*\]/ {print NR; exit 0}" $CONFIG_FILE)
- if [ -z "$next_neighbour_unit_line_num" ]; then
- file_line_count=$(wc -l $CONFIG_FILE | cut -d " " -f 1)
- next_neighbour_unit_line_num=$((file_line_count+1))
- fi
- echo "argument unit interval: ($arg_unit_line_num, $next_neighbour_unit_line_num)"
- arg_field_line_nums=$(grep -n "^$arg_field=" $CONFIG_FILE | cut -d ":" -f1 | tr "\n" "\ ")
- if [ -z "$arg_field_line_nums" ]; then
- echo -e "error: \"$arg_field\": can not find argument field"
- exit $ERROR_NUM
- fi
- echo "matched argument field in line: $arg_field_line_nums"
- # the $arg_field_line_num must in the interval ($arg_unit_line_num, $next_neighbour_unit_line_num)
- for arg_field_line_num in $arg_field_line_nums
- do
- if [ $arg_field_line_num -gt $arg_unit_line_num -a $arg_field_line_num -lt $next_neighbour_unit_line_num ]; then
- echo "find argument field in line: $arg_field_line_num"
- return $arg_field_line_num
- fi
- done
- # if not return in for-loop, the arg_field_line_num is not in the interval ($arg_unit_line_num, $next_neighbour_unit_line_num)
- echo -e "the argument field is not in the argument unit interval"
- exit $ERROR_NUM
- }
- while [ "$1" ]
- do
- # Check if the separator "=" that separate the argument name and argument value exists
- equal_symbol=$(echo $1 | grep "=")
- if [ -z "$equal_symbol" ]; then
- echo -e "error: \"$1\": argument has no \"=\""
- exit $ERROR_NUM
- fi
- # Check if argument name and argument value exist
- arg_name=$(echo $1 | cut -d "=" -f 1)
- arg_value=$(echo $1 | cut -d "=" -f 2)
- if [ -z "$arg_name" -o -z "$arg_value" ]; then
- echo -e "error: \"$1\": argument has no name or value around \"=\""
- exit $ERROR_NUM
- fi
- # Get the line number of the argument from CONFIG_FILE
- get_line_num $arg_name
- args_line_num=$?
- # use sed change the argument line
- arg_field=$(echo $arg_name | cut -d "-" -f 2)
- sed -i "${args_line_num}c $arg_field=$arg_value" $CONFIG_FILE
- new_line=$(sed -n "${args_line_num}p" $CONFIG_FILE)
- echo "the argument has been changed: $new_line"
- shift 1
- done
- ./modify_config_file BUSINESS-port=8888
- argument unit interval: (8, 11)
- matched argument field in line: 6 9
- find argument field in line: 9
- the argument has been changed: port=8888
- 1. ./modify_config_file BUSINESS
- error: "BUSINESS": argument has no "="
- 2. ./modify_config_file BUSINESS=
- error: "BUSINESS=": argument has no name or value around "="
- 3. ./modify_config_file BUSINESS=8888
- error: "BUSINESS": argument name has no separator "-" that separate the argument unit and argument field
- 4. ./modify_config_file BUSINESS-=8888
- error: "BUSINESS-": argument name has no argument unit or argument field around "-"
- 5. ./modify_config_file BUSINESS-por=8888
- argument unit interval: (8, 11)
- error: "por": can not find argument field
- 6. ./modify_config_file BUSINE-port=8888
- error: "BUSINE": can not find argument unit
- MY_HOME="/home/weizheng/10-30-yg/yg-soft"
- CONFIG_FILE="$MY_HOME/config.ini"
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