





 #include <cstdio>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm>
#include <set>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <queue>
#include <stack>
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath> using namespace std;
typedef long long LL;
typedef unsigned long long ull;
const int INF=;
const int maxn=+; ull l, r;
string up, down;
ull ans = ; int lup, ldown; int check(string &tmp)
if(tmp == "") return ;
int len = tmp.size(); if (len > lup && len < ldown) return ;
if (len == lup && len != ldown && tmp >= up) return ;
if (len == ldown && len != lup && tmp <= down) return ;
if (len == lup && len == ldown && tmp >= up && tmp <= down) return ;
return ;
} int main(){ cin >> l >> r; up = down = "";
up = (char)(l % + '') + up;
//cout << up << endl;
l >>= ;
} while(r)
down = (char)(r % + '') + down;
r >>= ;
} lup = up.size(), ldown = down.size(); // string t;
// cin >> t;
// cout << check(t) << endl; for (int len = lup; len <= ldown; len++)
//cout << len << endl;
string tmp = "";
for (int i = ; i <= len; i++)
string one = "";
for (int tim = ; tim <= i; tim++)
one += ''; for (int j = ; j <= len; j++)
if(i + j > len) continue; string zero = "";
for (int tim = ; tim <= j; tim++)
zero += ''; if (len%(i+j) != && len%(i+j) != i) continue; tmp = "";
int maxtim = len/(i+j); for (int tim = ; tim <= maxtim; tim++)
tmp += one+zero; if (len % (i+j) != )
tmp += one; if (check(tmp))
//cout << tmp << endl;
} //cout << tmp << endl;
} tmp = "";
for (int tim = ; tim <= len; tim++)
tmp += '';
if (check(tmp))
//cout << tmp << endl;
} cout << ans << endl;
return ; }

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