Java Retry implement
There are many cases in which you may wish to retry an operation a certain number of times. Examples are database failures, network communication failures or file IO problems.
Approach 1
This is the traditional approach and involves a counter and a loop.
final int numberOfRetries = 5 ; final long timeToWait = 1000 ; for ( int i= 0 ; i<numberOfRetries; i++) { //perform the operation try { break ; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error( "Retrying..." ,e); try { Thread.sleep(timeToWait); } catch (InterruptedException i) { } } } |
Approach 2
In this approach, we hide the retry counter in a separate class called RetryStrategy
and call it like this:
public class RetryStrategy { public static final int DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_RETRIES = 5 ; public static final long DEFAULT_WAIT_TIME = 1000 ; private int numberOfRetries; //total number of tries private int numberOfTriesLeft; //number left private long timeToWait; //wait interval public RetryStrategy() { this (DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_RETRIES, DEFAULT_WAIT_TIME); } public RetryStrategy( int numberOfRetries, long timeToWait) { this .numberOfRetries = numberOfRetries; numberOfTriesLeft = numberOfRetries; this .timeToWait = timeToWait; } /** * @return true if there are tries left */ public boolean shouldRetry() { return numberOfTriesLeft > 0 ; } /** * This method should be called if a try fails. * * @throws RetryException if there are no more tries left */ public void errorOccured() throws RetryException { numberOfTriesLeft --; if (!shouldRetry()) { throw new RetryException(numberOfRetries + " attempts to retry failed at " + getTimeToWait() + "ms interval" ); } waitUntilNextTry(); } /** * @return time period between retries */ public long getTimeToWait() { return timeToWait ; } /** * Sleeps for the duration of the defined interval */ private void waitUntilNextTry() { try { Thread.sleep(getTimeToWait()); } catch (InterruptedException ignored) {} } public static void main(String[] args) { RetryStrategy retry = new RetryStrategy(); while (retry.shouldRetry()) { try { break ; } catch (Exception e) { try { retry.errorOccured(); } catch (RetryException e1) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } } |
Approach 3
Approach 2, although cleaner, hasn't really reduced the number of lines of code we have to write. In the next approach, we hide the retry loop and all logic in a separate class called RetriableTask
. We make the operation that we are going to retry Callable
and wrap it in a RetriableTask
which then handles all the retrying for us, behind-the-scenes:
public class RetriableTask<T> implements Callable<T> { private Callable<T> task; public static final int DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_RETRIES = 5 ; public static final long DEFAULT_WAIT_TIME = 1000 ; private int numberOfRetries; // total number of tries private int numberOfTriesLeft; // number left private long timeToWait; // wait interval public RetriableTask(Callable<T> task) { this (DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_RETRIES, DEFAULT_WAIT_TIME, task); } public RetriableTask( int numberOfRetries, long timeToWait, Callable<T> task) { this .numberOfRetries = numberOfRetries; numberOfTriesLeft = numberOfRetries; this .timeToWait = timeToWait; this .task = task; } public T call() throws Exception { while ( true ) { try { return; } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw e; } catch (CancellationException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { numberOfTriesLeft--; if (numberOfTriesLeft == 0 ) { throw new RetryException(numberOfRetries + " attempts to retry failed at " + timeToWait + "ms interval" , e); } Thread.sleep(timeToWait); } } } public static void main(String[] args) { Callable<Remote> task = new Callable<Remote>() { public Remote call() throws Exception { return (Remote) Naming.lookup(url); } }; RetriableTask<Remote> r = new RetriableTask<Remote>(task); try {; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } |
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