This small tutorial will show you how to create a ListView, enable fast scrolling, and create a alphabetical section list that displays the letter as you quickly scroll the list.
First lets create a layout file with a ListView in it list this
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
android:background="@drawable/background"> <ListView
Notice I am putting a background image on the layout and setting the ListView to be transparent with the cacheColorHint. I also set fastScrollEnabled to true. Now I have a store object to store the attributes about a store.
请注意我为整个布局设置了一个背景图片,用cacheColorHint属性吧Listview设置为透明。我也把fastScrollEnabled 属性设置为true了。 接下来我用一个store对象存储了一些关于store的属性。
public class Store { public int id;
public String name;
public String direction;
public int floor;
public String address;
public String category;
public String phone;
Finally we need to create the Activity. We will assign a custom ArrayAdapter to the list and the custom ArrayAdapter will implement SectionIndexer
* The Store List Activity
public class StoreListActivity extends Activity {
private DBAdapter db; private LinkedList<Store> storeList = new LinkedList<Store>();
private StoreListAdaptor storeListAdaptor; private ListView list; /**
* Called when the activity is first created.
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.storelist); list = (ListView) findViewById(; // populate the store list
storeList = db.getAllStoresOrderByName(storeList); // create an adaptor with the store list
storeListAdaptor = new StoreListAdaptor(this,storeList); // assign the listview an adaptor
list.setAdapter(storeListAdaptor); } /**
* The List row creator
class StoreListAdaptor extends ArrayAdapter<Store> implements SectionIndexer{ HashMap<String, Integer> alphaIndexer;
String[] sections; public StoreListAdaptor(Context context, LinkedList<Store> items) {
super(context, R.layout.storerow, items); alphaIndexer = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
int size = items.size(); for (int x = 0; x < size; x++) {
Store s = items.get(x); // get the first letter of the store
String ch =, 1);
// convert to uppercase otherwise lowercase a -z will be sorted after upper A-Z
ch = ch.toUpperCase(); // HashMap will prevent duplicates
alphaIndexer.put(ch, x);
} Set<String> sectionLetters = alphaIndexer.keySet(); // create a list from the set to sort
ArrayList<String> sectionList = new ArrayList<String>(sectionLetters); Collections.sort(sectionList); sections = new String[sectionList.size()]; sectionList.toArray(sections);
} public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
// expand your row xml if you are using custom xml per row
} public int getPositionForSection(int section) {
return alphaIndexer.get(sections[section]);
} public int getSectionForPosition(int position) {
return 1;
} public Object[] getSections() {
return sections;
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