[other] 代码量代码复杂度统计-lizard


  1. 不包含代码注释的代码行数
  2. CCN 代码的复杂度,也就是分支复杂度
  3. token的个数(关键字,标示符,常量,标点符号,操作符)
  4. 函数的参数个数


  • C/C++ (works with C++14)
  • Java
  • C# (C Sharp)
  • JavaScript
  • Objective C
  • Swift
  • Python
  • Ruby
  • TTCN-3
  • PHP
  • Scala
  • GDScript




  1. 不需要头文件全部指定(宏展开可能有失偏颇)
  2. 能够同时统计代码量和代码复杂度
  3. 能够产生和cppNCSS相同的报告


  1. c/c++的三字符组和双字符组
  2. c/c++的代码预处理和宏扩展没有实现
  3. c++的一些模版


  1. usage: lizard [options] [PATH or FILE] [PATH] ...
  2. lizard is an extensible Cyclomatic Complexity Analyzer for many programming
  3. languages including C/C++ (doesn't require all the header files). For more
  4. information visit http://www.lizard.ws
  5. positional arguments:
  6. paths list of the filename/paths.
  7. optional arguments:
  8. -h, --help show this help message and exit
  9. --version show program's version number and exit
  10. -l LANGUAGES, --languages LANGUAGES
  11. List the programming languages you want to analyze. if
  12. left empty, it'll search for all languages it knows.
  13. `lizard -l cpp -l java`searches for C++ and Java code.
  14. The available languages are: cpp, java, csharp,
  15. javascript, python, objectivec, ttcn, ruby, php,
  16. swift, scala, GDScript
  17. -V, --verbose Output in verbose mode (long function name)
  18. -C CCN, --CCN CCN Threshold for cyclomatic complexity number warning.
  19. The default value is 15. Functions with CCN bigger
  20. than it will generate warning
  21. -f INPUT_FILE, --input_file INPUT_FILE
  22. get a list of filenames from the given file
  23. -L LENGTH, --length LENGTH
  24. Threshold for maximum function length warning. The
  25. default value is 1000. Functions length bigger than it
  26. will generate warning
  27. -a ARGUMENTS, --arguments ARGUMENTS
  28. Limit for number of parameters
  29. -w, --warnings_only Show warnings only, using clang/gcc's warning format
  30. for printing warnings.
  31. http://clang.llvm.org/docs/UsersManual.html#cmdoption-
  32. fdiagnostics-format
  33. --warning-msvs Show warnings only, using Visual Studio's warning
  34. format for printing warnings.
  35. https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/yxkt8b26.aspx
  36. -i NUMBER, --ignore_warnings NUMBER
  37. If the number of warnings is equal or less than the
  38. number, the tool will exit normally; otherwise, it
  39. will generate error. If the number is negative, the
  40. tool exits normally regardless of the number of
  41. warnings. Useful in makefile for legacy code.
  42. -x EXCLUDE, --exclude EXCLUDE
  43. Exclude files that match this pattern. * matches
  44. everything, ? matches any single character,
  45. "./folder/*" exclude everything in the folder
  46. recursively. Multiple patterns can be specified. Don't
  47. forget to add "" around the pattern.
  48. -t WORKING_THREADS, --working_threads WORKING_THREADS
  49. number of working threads. The default value is 1.
  50. Using a bigger number can fully utilize the CPU and
  51. often faster.
  52. -X, --xml Generate XML in cppncss style instead of the tabular
  53. output. Useful to generate report in Jenkins server
  54. -H, --html Output HTML report
  55. -m, --modified Calculate modified cyclomatic complexity number
  56. -E EXTENSIONS, --extension EXTENSIONS
  57. User the extensions. The available extensions are:
  58. -Ecpre: it will ignore code in the #else branch.
  59. -Ewordcount: count word frequencies and generate tag
  60. cloud. -Eoutside: include the global code as one
  61. function. -EIgnoreAssert: to ignore all code in
  62. assert. -ENS: count nested control structures.
  63. -s SORTING, --sort SORTING
  64. Sort the warning with field. The field can be nloc,
  65. cyclomatic_complexity, token_count, p#arameter_count,
  66. etc. Or an customized field.
  68. Set the limit for a field. The field can be nloc,
  69. cyclomatic_complexity, token_count, parameter_count,
  70. etc. Or an customized file. Lizard will report warning
  71. if a function exceed the limit
  72. -W WHITELIST, --whitelist WHITELIST
  73. The path and file name to the whitelist file. It's
  74. './whitelizard.txt' by default. Find more information
  75. in README.


  1. (venv) fff git:(master) lizard
  2. ================================================
  3. NLOC CCN token PARAM length location
  4. ------------------------------------------------
  5. 4 1 14 1 4 driver_write@6-9@./examples/driver_testing/driver.c
  6. 4 1 11 0 4 driver_read@11-14@./examples/driver_testing/driver.c
  7. 9 2 35 0 9 driver_init_device@16-24@./examples/driver_testing/driver.c
  8. 6 1 17 1 6 IO_MEM_RD8@15-20@./examples/driver_testing/driver.test.cpp
  9. 6 1 21 2 6 IO_MEM_WR8@25-30@./examples/driver_testing/driver.test.cpp
  10. 7 1 34 2 7 TEST@33-39@./examples/driver_testing/driver.test.cpp
  11. 8 1 40 2 8 TEST@42-49@./examples/driver_testing/driver.test.cpp
  12. .........................................................................................
  13. 4 1 8 0 48 output_macro_counting_shortcuts@351-398@./fakegen.rb
  14. 8 1 9 0 9 output_c_and_cpp@400-408@./fakegen.rb
  15. 25 file analyzed.
  16. ==============================================================
  17. NLOC Avg.NLOC AvgCCN Avg.token function_cnt file
  18. --------------------------------------------------------------
  19. 19 5.7 1.3 20.0 3 ./examples/driver_testing/driver.c
  20. 4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 ./examples/driver_testing/driver.h
  21. 43 6.8 1.0 28.0 4 ./examples/driver_testing/driver.test.cpp
  22. 47 8.5 1.0 57.8 4 ./examples/driver_testing/driver.test.fff.cpp
  23. 3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 ./examples/driver_testing/hardware_abstraction.h
  24. 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 ./examples/driver_testing/registers.h
  25. 5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 ./examples/embedded_ui/DISPLAY.h
  26. 2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 ./examples/embedded_ui/SYSTEM.h
  27. 21 6.7 1.0 27.7 3 ./examples/embedded_ui/test_suite_template.c
  28. 41 7.0 1.4 22.8 5 ./examples/embedded_ui/UI.c
  29. 6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 ./examples/embedded_ui/UI.h
  30. 129 8.7 1.0 49.8 13 ./examples/embedded_ui/UI_test_ansic.c
  31. 97 7.1 1.0 37.8 11 ./examples/embedded_ui/UI_test_cpp.cpp
  32. 4917 8.2 2.4 56.1 503 ./gtest/gtest-all.cc
  33. 5 4.0 1.0 27.0 1 ./gtest/gtest-main.cc
  34. 11679 5.5 1.3 63.7 774 ./gtest/gtest.h
  35. 4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 ./test/c_test_framework.h
  36. 79 19.7 1.0 118.0 3 ./test/fff_test_c.c
  37. 25 6.5 1.0 34.0 2 ./test/fff_test_cpp.cpp
  38. 56 26.0 1.0 151.5 2 ./test/fff_test_global_c.c
  39. 17 7.0 1.0 24.0 1 ./test/fff_test_global_cpp.cpp
  40. 10 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 ./test/global_fakes.c
  41. 23 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 ./test/global_fakes.h
  42. 300 8.1 1.3 24.5 35 ./fakegen.rb
  43. 8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 ./fff.h
  44. =========================================================================================
  45. !!!! Warnings (cyclomatic_complexity > 15 or parameter_count > 100 or length > 1000) !!!!
  46. ================================================
  47. NLOC CCN token PARAM length location
  48. ------------------------------------------------
  49. 65 17 397 0 131 testing::internal::UnitTestImpl::RunAllTests@5449-5579@./gtest/gtest-all.cc
  50. 49 26 372 2 67 testing::internal::ParseGoogleTestFlagsOnlyImpl@6076-6142@./gtest/gtest-all.cc
  51. 19 16 147 3 20 testing::internal::AtomMatchesChar@8005-8024@./gtest/gtest-all.cc
  52. ==========================================================================================
  53. Total nloc Avg.NLOC AvgCCN Avg.token Fun Cnt Warning cnt Fun Rt nloc Rt
  54. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  55. 17540 6.7 1.7 59.2 1364 3 0.00 0.01

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