March 19 2017 Week 12 Sunday
If you want it, work for it. It's that simple.
Yes, it is very simple. Many of us just want it, but fail to work for it, that is the very reason why we can't get it.
The only thing we need is strong execution, solid execution.
List what you want, have a plan for it, and carry out the plan from beginning to end.
Be strong and free from fear.
Easier said than done.
Most of us always have something deep in our hearts that can let us feel fearful or feel frustrated.
Sometimes even when we think we are strong enough, we can't entirely avoid such feelings.
Therefore, sometimes we must let it be, or try to keep distance from touching those things.
But there is not a radical cure to the uderlying feelings of fear, just like sometimes we have to swim in the flood even though we are afraid of water.
So maybe we can become stronger, and try to overcome the fear inside us;
if we find we can't win over them, just accept them and give ourselves some stimulus to face the fears and then extend oursleves physically and emotionally beyond our comfort zones.
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