March 31 2017 Week 13 Friday
Sometimes, you think the sky is falling down, actually, that is just because you stand slanting.
Terrible feelings, I thought I may be lost in this project.
Five months, I didn't present a not bad result.
Maybe the sky is falling down, everything goes wrong.
But as I contemplated the situation, I found maybe I just stood slanting.
I meant to say, I had done something wrong in the planning and execution phase.
I didn't have a thorough consideration and plan over the project, I only wanted to solve some present problems, that may be the reason why I found problems emerge endlessly.
Knocked down by these problems and frustrations in life, so what?
I still need to get up and stand up straight in the right front of these problems until they kill me.
Kill me? Maybe not so easy.
To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.
If you don't love yourself, you may be not qualified to love others, because self-love is the basis of all the other love.
The benefits of self-love are many.
What I know to be true without a doubt in my heart is that it can give us self-esteem, self-respect, self-discipline, and then all these traits can stimulate us to always improve ourselves consciously, that is, self-improvement.
When you begin to love yourself, you also can have a good insight into yourself, and begin to appreciate your advantages and try to discard those bad habits that may erode your life and erode your heart.
If such consciousness wakes up, you have the chance to become what you have expected, become the one most people love and respect, become the one that can get the favor of the destiny.
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