




################################ SNAPSHOTTING  ################################
# Save the DB on disk:
# save <seconds> <changes>
# Will save the DB if both the given number of seconds and the given
# number of write operations against the DB occurred.
# In the example below the behaviour will be to save:
# after sec ( min) if at least key changed
# after sec ( min) if at least keys changed
# after sec if at least keys changed
# Note: you can disable saving completely by commenting out all "save" lines.
# It is also possible to remove all the previously configured save
# points by adding a save directive with a single empty string argument
# like in the following example:
# save "" save





############################## APPEND ONLY MODE ###############################

# By default Redis asynchronously dumps the dataset on disk. This mode is
# good enough in many applications, but an issue with the Redis process or
# a power outage may result into a few minutes of writes lost (depending on
# the configured save points).
# The Append Only File is an alternative persistence mode that provides
# much better durability. For instance using the default data fsync policy
# (see later in the config file) Redis can lose just one second of writes in a
# dramatic event like a server power outage, or a single write if something
# wrong with the Redis process itself happens, but the operating system is
# still running correctly.
# AOF and RDB persistence can be enabled at the same time without problems.
# If the AOF is enabled on startup Redis will load the AOF, that is the file
# with the better durability guarantees.
# Please check for more information.

appendonly no
# The name of the append only file (default: "appendonly.aof") appendfilename "appendonly.aof" # The fsync() call tells the Operating System to actually write data on disk
# instead of waiting for more data in the output buffer. Some OS will really flush
# data on disk, some other OS will just try to do it ASAP.
# Redis supports three different modes:
# no: don't fsync, just let the OS flush the data when it wants. Faster.
# always: fsync after every write to the append only log. Slow, Safest.
# everysec: fsync only one time every second. Compromise.
# The default is "everysec", as that's usually the right compromise between
# speed and data safety. It's up to you to understand if you can relax this to
# "no" that will let the operating system flush the output buffer when
# it wants, for better performances (but if you can live with the idea of
# some data loss consider the default persistence mode that's snapshotting),
# or on the contrary, use "always" that's very slow but a bit safer than
# everysec.
# More details please check the following article:
# If unsure, use "everysec".

# appendfsync always
appendfsync everysec
# appendfsync no

appendonly no(关闭aof) --> appendonly yes (开启aof)

# appendfsync always : 每一次操作都进行持久化
appendfsync everysec : 每隔一秒进行一次持久化
# appendfsync no     : 不进行持久化


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