Google Docs protocol completely replaced with Google Drive

In May 2015, the older Google Docs API was shut down by Google, and it can no longer be used.

It has been completely replaced with the newer Google Drive protocol.

To handle the situation, the new versions 7.17 and 7.20 beta 15 of Syncovery have been releaed.

The Google Drive protocol can now fulfill all tasks that the obsolete Google Docs protocol could.

The main feature that had been missing before these updates was the conversion of native Google documents.

This is now available, so that all existing tasks can be performed with the new Google Drive API.

Previous Google Docs jobs will automatically use document conversion where chosen.

New jobs, and existing Google Drive jobs, need to have document conversion enabled if desired.

The checkmark is on the second tab sheet of the Internet dialog.

Note that the available file types for conversion have been updated on the Google Docs tab sheet.

Once a profile is switched over to the new Google Drive protocol,

you will have to authenticate Syncovery in a browser window.

The prompt will appear if you run the job manually in attended mode.

If you need to use several different user accounts in different profiles, this is entirely possible!

Just make sure that each profile has a different Account ID shown on the Internet dialog.

When the authentication page appears, make sure you log out of the current Google account

and log back in with the next account and authorize Syncovery.

If you need to re-do the authentication, you can click the button “Forget cloud access tokens”

on the Program Settings dialog, tab sheet “Cloud”.

Note that your Google accounts must “Allow users to install Google Drive apps”.


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