
While our default templates designed to work with SQL Server, you can easily modify them to work with MySql. In order to do that, you need to follow below steps.

Download Project

Go to and download a new project. Select ASP.NET MVC 5.x tab and don't forget to select Entity Framework.

Install MySql.Data.Entity

Then you need to install MySql.Data.Entity nuget package to your .EntityFramework and .Web projects. Installing this nuget package to your .Web project should make necessary changes in your web.config file.

Open your DbContext's configuration class (Configuration.cs) and place below code in it's constructor

SetSqlGenerator("MySql.Data.MySqlClient", new MySql.Data.Entity.MySqlMigrationSqlGenerator());

Configure ConnectionString

You need to change your connection string in the web.config file in order to work with your MySql database. An example connection string would be

<add name="Default" connectionString="server=localhost;port=3306;database=sampledb;uid=root;password=***" providerName="MySql.Data.MySqlClient"/>

Re-generate migrations(重新生成迁移)

If you choose "Include module zero?" while downloading your startup template, there will be some migration files included in your project but those files are generated for Sql Server. Delete all migration files in your.EntityFramework project under Migrations folder. Migration files start with a timestamp. A migration file name would be like this "201506210746108_AbpZero_Initial"

After deleting all migration files, select your .Web project as startup project, open Visual Studio's Package Manager Console and select .EntityFramework project as default project in Package Manager Console. Then run below command to add migration for MySql.

如果您选择“包括模块零?”在下载启动模板时,将在项目中包含一些迁移文件,但这些文件是为SQL Server生成的。删除所有迁移文件your.entityframework项目文件夹下的迁徙。迁移文件以一个时间戳开始。迁移文件名会是这样的“201506210746108_abpzero_initial”

删除所有迁移文件,之后选择你。Web项目为启动项目,打开Visual Studio的软件包管理器控制台和选择。EntityFramework项目作为软件包管理器控制台的默认项目。然后运行下面的命令为mysql添加迁移。

Add-Migration "AbpZero_Initial"

Now you can create your database using below command


It is all done, now you can run your project with MySql.


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