RequiresSTAAttribute (NUnit 2.5)





// An STA thread will be created and used to run
// all the tests in the assembly
[assembly:RequiresSTA] ... // TestFixture requiring a separate thread
[TestFixture, RequiresSTA]
public class FixtureRequiringSTA
// An STA thread will be created and all
// tests in the fixture will run on it
// unless the containing assembly is
// already running on an STA Thread
} [TestFixture]
public class AnotherFixture
[Test, RequiresSTA]
public void TestRequiringSTA()
// A separate thread will be created for this test
// unless the containing fixture is already running
// in the STA.

See also...

  • RequiresThreadAttribute
  • RequiresMTAAttribute

RequiresThreadAttribute (NUnit 2.5)




// A thread will be created and used to run
// all the tests in the assembly
[assembly:RequiresThread] ... // TestFixture requiring a separate thread
[TestFixture, RequiresThread]
public class FixtureOnThread
// A separate thread will be created and all
// tests in the fixture will run on it.
} [TestFixture]
public class AnotherFixture
[Test, RequiresThread]
public void TestRequiringThread()
// A separate thread will be created for this test
} [Test, RequiresThread(ApartmentState.STA)]
public void TestRequiringSTAThread()
// A separate STA thread will be created for tnis test.

See also...

  • RequiresSTAAttribute
  • RequiresMTAAttribute

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