Distance could make you forget about them, but the memories would always be there.


Whether you remember it or you forget it, those painful experience would always be there.

No matter how sedulous we are to blank out those bad feelings and those sad memories, there would always be someone or something that can make us recall those moments.

It is as if when we are wounded, even after the wound has skinned over, we can still see the scar, which reminds us of the past hurts.

Life is so ridiculous, you believed that you have cured yourself of the past and then you just discover that their ill effects continue, and their pains recur like malaria, that, perhaps, is always a shock.

Just let it be there.

Maybe we can make us a little busier with our current tasks, and shift our attention and energy to things which can benefit us and the world.

Wish not so much to live long as to live well.


From Benjamin Franklin.

I am willing to shorten my life for some big rewards and great achievements.

If my efforts and my devotion can be paid in some satisfying way, I am willing to live a short life.

Be confident, maybe I have too low an opinion of myself.

Though being confident is not the same as being perfect, it really can make us more attractive.

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