[翻译] EAIntroView
This is highly customizable drop-in solution for introduction views. Some features (remember, most features are optional and can be turned off):
- beautiful demo project to look on some examples 一个漂亮的demo演示了好多例子
- customizability is unlimited, one can make complex introView with animations and interactive pages, so do not limit yourself with existing examples
- 定制是完全没有限制的.发挥你的想象力,不要局限于提供的几个例子
- for each basic page: 对于每一个基本的页面
- background (with cross-dissolve transition between pages) 背景
- custom iOS7 motion effects (parallax) on background iOS7的视差效果
- title view (+ Y position) 标题view
- title text (+ font, color and Y position) 标题文本
- description text (+ font, color, width and Y position) 描述文本
- subviews array (added to page after building default layout) 子类view构成的数组
- possibility to set your own custom view for page: 你也可以设计自定义view
- pageWithCustomView:
- pageWithCustomViewFromNibNamed:
- possibility to set block action on page events: 你也可以设定每页的事件触发
- pageDidLoad
- pageDidAppear
- pageDidDisappear
- many options to customize parent view: 你还可以设定父视图
- swipe from last page to close
- switching pages with one simple tap
- custom background image or color
- custom page control
- custom skip button
- pinned titleView (+ Y position, can be hidden on some pages)
- delegate protocol to listen: 监听代理
- introDidFinish:
- intro:pageAppeared:withIndex:
- actions on IntroView: IntroView上面的行为设定
- setPages:
- showInView:animateDuration:
- hideWithFadeOutDuration:
- setCurrentPageIndex:animated:
- storyboard/IB support
CocoaPods is the recommended way to use EAIntroView in your project. 你可以用 CocoaPods 来安装
- Simply add this line to your
:pod 'EAIntroView', '~> 2.7.0' 将pod 'EAIntroView', '~> 2.7.0'添加到你的Podfile中
- Run
pod install
. 运行 pod install - Include with
#import "EAIntroView.h"
to use it wherever you need. 导入头文件#import "EAIntroView.h" - Subscribe to the
to enable delegate/callback interaction. 实现代理方法即可
Manual installation
- Add
headers and implementations to your project (4 files total). 将 EAIntroPage.h/m 与 EAIntroView.h/m 添加到你的项目当中. - Add EARestrictedScrollView header and implementation to your project (2 files total). 将 EARestrictedScrollView 添加到你的项目当中.
- Include with
#import "EAIntroView.h"
to use it wherever you need. 导入头文件#import "EAIntroView.h" - Subscribe to the
to enable delegate/callback interaction. 实现代理方法即可
How To Use It
Sample project have many examples of customization. Here are only simple ones.
Step 1 - Build Pages
Each page created with [EAIntroPage page]
class method. Then you can customize any property, all of them are optional. Another approach is to pass your own (can be nib), custom view in EAIntroPage
, this way most other options are ignored.
每一页都是由方法 [EAIntroPage page] 生成.然后,你可以自定义这些属性.当然,你也可以用你自己的方式创建出自定义的EAIntroPage,不过,这种方式的话,好多设置都被忽略了.
// basic
EAIntroPage *page1 = [EAIntroPage page];
page1.title = @"Hello world";
page1.desc = sampleDescription1;
// custom
EAIntroPage *page2 = [EAIntroPage page];
page2.title = @"This is page 2";
page2.titleFont = [UIFont fontWithName:@"Georgia-BoldItalic" size:20];
page2.titlePositionY = 220;
page2.desc = sampleDescription2;
page2.descFont = [UIFont fontWithName:@"Georgia-Italic" size:18];
page2.descPositionY = 200;
page2.titleIconView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"title2"]];
page2.titleIconPositionY = 100;
// custom view from nib
EAIntroPage *page3 = [EAIntroPage pageWithCustomViewFromNibNamed:@"IntroPage"];
page3.bgImage = [UIImage imageNamed:@"bg2"];
Step 2 - Create Introduction View
Once all pages have been created, you are ready to create the introduction view. Just pass them in right order in the introduction view. You can also pass array of pages after IntroView's initialization, it will rebuild its contents.
EAIntroView *intro = [[EAIntroView alloc] initWithFrame:self.view.bounds andPages:@[page1,page2,page3,page4]];
Don't forget to set the delegate if you want to use any callbacks.
[intro setDelegate:self];
Step 3 - Show Introduction View
[intro showInView:self.view animateDuration:0.0];
Since 1.3.0 EAIntroView
supports init from IB. Since 2.0.0 EAIntroPage
supports it too.
- Drop
to your IB document. 设置一个IB的UIView - Set its class to
. 将其类别设置成EAIntroView - Create
property in your view controller:@property(nonatomic,weak) IBOutlet EAIntroView *introView;
. 从你的控制器创建出属性@property(nonatomic,weak) IBOutlet EAIntroView *introView; - Connect
in IB. 通过IB连接EAIntroView - Build array of pages (you can use
here with separate nibs for each page). 然后,你就可以创建每一页了 - Pass pages array to
property insetPages:
. 将page数组的值赋给EAIntroView的setPages属性
Created and maintained by Evgeny Aleksandrov (@EAleksandrov).
is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.
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