KBMMW 4.82.00 发布
- 作者最近加紧了更新进度,赞一个。
- 时间都去哪儿了? 还没好好看4.81, 新版就来了。
- 这个版本主要是增强日志管理,已经强大到替换delphi 本身的异常处理了。
- We are happy to announce the release of kbmMW v. 4.82.00
- Professional and Enterprise Edition.
- kbmMW continues to set the bar for what an n-tier product must be
- capable of in the real world!
- Keywords for this release:
- - Much improved XSD to Delphi objects generator
- - New advanced logging and auditing framework for local and
- remote logging (remote is in Enterprise Edition only)
- - JSON marshalling improvements
- - Many more operators and features on TkbmMWDateTime
- - Bug fixes!
- Look at end of post for detailed list of additions, changes and fixes.
- Professional and Enterprise Edition is available for all with a current
- active SAU.
- If your SAU has run out, please visit our shop to extend it with another
- 12 months.
- kbmMW CodeGear Edition is available for free for
- Delphi XE6/Win32, XE7/Win32, XE8/Win32 and includes kbmMemTable CodeGear
- Edition. It can be used for commercial work and require no royalty or
- distribution payment for compiled user executables.
- Please visit https://portal.components4developers.com to download.
- ----
- kbmMW is the premiere n-tier product for Delphi, C++Builder and FPC
- on .Net, Win32, Win64, Linux, Java, PHP, Android, IOS, embedded devices,
- websites, mainframes and more.
- Please visit www.components4developers.com for more information about kbmMW.
- ----
- Components4Developers is a company established in 1999 with the purpose
- of providing high quality development tools for developers and
- enterprises. The primary focus is on SOA, EAI and systems integration
- via our flagship product kbmMW.
- kbmMW is a portable, highly scalable, high end application server and
- enterprise architecture integration (EAI) development framework for
- Win32, ..Net and Linux with clients residing on Win32, .Net, Linux,
- Unix, Mainframes, Minis, Embedded and many other places.
- It is currently used as the backbone in hundreds of central systems, in
- hospitals, courts, private, industries, offshore industry, finance,
- telecom, governements, schools, laboratories, rentals, culture
- institutions, FDA approved medical devices, military and more.
- Important notes (changes that may break existing code)
- ======================================================
- * Removed kbmMWDateTimeToString, kbmMWStringToDateTime,
- kbmMWDayOfWeek, kbmMWGetUTCOffset.
- Use TkbmMWDateTime methods instead.
- * Removed kbmMWGetCurrentTimeNS from kbmMWGlobal.pas.
- Use TkbmMWTimeNS.NowUTC.
- * Removed standard specific options settings on UniDAC database.
- Notice you must set these manually on the database template when
- relevant. Previous settings which were automatically set were:
- InterBase.BooleanDomainFields=False
- InterBase.DescribeParams=True
- New stuff
- =========
- - Added new major feature in the form of a new logging/auditing/timing
- /exception handling system:
- Added TkbmMWLog and TkbmMWCustomLogManager descendant classes with
- loads of different logging, assertion, exception handling, timing
- and auditing mechanisms.
- (kbmMWLog.pas, kbmMWDebugMapFile.pas and kbmMWDebugStackTrace.pas).
- It supports optionally dumping stacktrace on Win32/Win64 bit systems.
- Notice to have the assert based logging enabled you must define in
- kbmMWConfig.inc:
- Alternatively manually call kbmMWLog_InstallAssertionHandler and
- kbmMWLog_UnInstallAssertionHandler.
- Notice to have the new exception log handling mechanism enabled you
- must define in kbmMWConfig.inc:
- Alternatively manually call kbmMWLog_InstallExceptionHandler and
- kbmMWLog_UnInstallExceptionHandler.
- Check new sample "SimpleLogging" for examples of use of logging
- system.
- - Added new remote logging features
- (TkbmMWClientLogManager/TkbmMWServerLogManager) based on the new
- logging system. (Ent only). See "RemoteLogging" for examples of use.
- - Added multiple features to TkbmMWDateTime:
- - >=,<=,>,< comparison operators on TkbmMWDateTime and TkbmMWDuration
- - inc/dec operators on TkbmMWDateTime
- - properties FixedLocalDate, FixedLocalTime, FixedLocalDateTime,
- FixedUTCDate, FixedUTCTime and FixedUTCDateTime.
- Converts to/from fixed YYYYMMDD, HHNNSSmmm and YYYYMMDDHHNNSSmmm
- formatted strings and replaces
- kbmMWDateTimeToString/kbmMWStringToDateTime in kbmMWGlobal.pas
- - function DayOfWeek:Word; Returns 1 (sunday) to 7 (saturday).
- - function SystemLocalTimeOffsetSecs:integer; Returns UTC offset in
- seconds for system local time.
- - DecodeUTCDate, DecodeUTCTime, DecodeUTCDateTime, EncodeUTCDate,
- EncodeUTCTime, EncodeUTCDateTime,
- DecodeLocalDate, DecodeLocalTime, DecodeLocalDateTime,
- EncodeLocalDate, EncodeLocalTime, EncodeLocalDateTime.
- - functions DiffSecs, DiffHours and DiffDays which returns the
- difference between this and given TkbmMWDateTime.
- - function FromDayOfYear which creates a new TkbmMWDateTime based on
- a day of year and a year.
- - static class functions FixedLocal and FixedUTC which accepts a
- date/time or datetime fixed string and returns a TkbmMWDateTime.
- - Added new TkbmMWTimeNS with class methods: NowUTC, ToDateTime and
- ToNSTime to convert to handle nanosecs time stamp.
- Notice though that the resolution is not to the nsec level. An even
- more precise timing is in TkbmMWTiming.
- - Added support for interval based and forced flushing to
- TkbmMWBufferedStream and all users of it like
- TkbmMWFileStoreaMessageQueue, TkbmMWBufferedFileStream.
- - Added AnonymousRoot property to TkbmMWJSONMarshal (default false). If
- set to true, it will not put the marshalled object within another
- object to ensure that the object is named.
- Eg. AnonymousRoot=false -> { patient: {property1:10 }}
- Eg. AnonymousRoot=true -> { property1:10 }
- - Added OnEvent property to WIB transports. Can be used for hooking in
- when an event message (like progress or log) is received.
- Changes/minor additions
- =======================
- - Removed kbmMWDateTimeToString, kbmMWStringToDateTime, kbmMWDayOfWeek,
- kbmMWGetUTCOffset.
- Use TkbmMWDateTime methods instead.
- - Removed kbmMWGetCurrentTimeNS from kbmMWGlobal.pas.
- Use TkbmMWTimeNS.NowUTC.
- - Added support for SpecificSettings on TkbmMWUniDACQuery,
- TkbmMWUniDACStoredProc and TkbmmWUniDACResolver.
- - Removed standard specific options settings on UniDAC database. Notice
- you must set these manually on the database template when relevant.
- Previous settings which were automatically set were:
- InterBase.BooleanDomainFields=False
- InterBase.DescribeParams=True
- - Updated FireMonkey sample.
- Fixes
- =====
- - Fixed pesky thread shutdown issue.
- - Fixed XE4 compilation issues.
- - Fixed CompareAndExchange 64 bit version for pre XE2 compilers.
- - Fixed XML parser bugs in Typed:=true and FilterAllWhiteSpace:=true
- scenarios.
- - Fixed A/V due to lock not defined early enough in
- TkbmMWThreadedCircularBuffer.
- - Fixed JSON CR escaping bug.
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