On-Site Question 3 - SOLUTION


Create a function that takes in a list of unsorted prices (integers) and a maximum possible price value, and return a sorted list of prices


Your function should be able to perform this in less than O(nlogn) time.



We can actually solve this problem by using a counting sort. Basically a counting sort works well when you know the range of integer values you will have ahead of time.

Read the wikipedia article linked above for a full break down, and an implementation is here below (using the prices situation described in the problem above).

def solution(unsorted_prices,max_price):

    # list of 0s at indices 0 to max_price
prices_to_counts = [0]* (max_price+1) # populate prices
for price in unsorted_prices:
prices_to_counts[price] +=1 # populate final sorted prices
sorted_prices = [] # For each price in prices_to_counts
for price,count in enumerate(prices_to_counts): # for the number of times the element occurs
for time in range(count): # add it to the sorted price list
sorted_prices.append(price) return sorted_prices
In [3]:
[2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9]

This was a great exercise in learning about a new sorting algorithm, make sure to read up on it and practice this problem again!

Good Job!

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