
在指定位置而且用指定的 BrushFont

public void DrawString(
string s,
Font font,
Brush brush,
float x,
float y


public void DrawStringFloat(PaintEventArgs e)


// Create string to draw

. String drawString =
"Sample Text"; // Create font and brush.

Font drawFont = new Font("Arial", 16);

SolidBrush drawBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.Black);// Create point for upper-left corner of drawing.

float x = 150.0F; float y = 150.0F;// Draw string to screen.

e.Graphics.DrawString(drawString, drawFont, drawBrush, x, y);



private void Myprintpage1(Graphics formGraphics, int w, int h)


Pen myPen = new Pen(Color.FromArgb(255, Color.Black), 1.0F);

            Font MyFont1 = new Font("宋体", 12, FontStyle.Bold);

            Font MyFont2 = new Font("宋体", 10, FontStyle.Bold);

formGraphics.TranslateTransform(100.0F, 50.0F);



for (int i = 200; i < 360; i += 50)


                formGraphics.DrawLine(myPen, new Point(0, i), new Point(600, i));



for (int i = 0; i < 750; i += 150)


                formGraphics.DrawLine(myPen, new Point(i, 200), new Point(i, 350));



            formGraphics.DrawLine(myPen, new Point(0, 200), new Point(150, 250));

            //formGraphics.DrawLine(myPen, new Point(150, 125), new Point(300, 125));

            //formGraphics.DrawLine(myPen, new Point(150, 175), new Point(300, 175));


            formGraphics.DrawString("    ---数据报表---", new Font("宋体", 20, FontStyle.Bold), Brushes.DimGray, 100, -10);

formGraphics.DrawString("试验日期(Date)      :_______________", MyFont1, Brushes.DimGray, 0, 50);

            formGraphics.DrawString("操作人员(Operator):_______________", MyFont1, Brushes.DimGray, 0, 75);

formGraphics.DrawString("试件类型(Parts Type):_______________", MyFont1, Brushes.DimGray, 330, 50);

            formGraphics.DrawString("试件编号(Parts No):_______________", MyFont1, Brushes.DimGray, 330, 75);

formGraphics.DrawString("上号(UP):_______________", MyFont1, Brushes.DimGray, 0, 100);

            formGraphics.DrawString("下号(DOWN):_______________", MyFont1, Brushes.DimGray, 330, 100);

formGraphics.DrawString("电压", MyFont1, Brushes.DimGray, 190, 220);

//formGraphics.DrawString("  (Forward Speed)", MyFont2, Brushes.DimGray, 300, 110);

            formGraphics.DrawString("电流", MyFont1, Brushes.DimGray, 340, 220);

// formGraphics.DrawString("  (Backward Speed)", MyFont2, Brushes.DimGray, 455, 110);

            formGraphics.DrawString("备用", MyFont1, Brushes.DimGray, 490, 220);

formGraphics.DrawString("试验数据(Date)", MyFont1, Brushes.DimGray, 0, 270);

            formGraphics.DrawString("数据单位(Unit)", MyFont1, Brushes.DimGray, 0, 320);

formGraphics.DrawString("操作人员(Operator):_______________   检验者(Checker):_______________", MyFont1, Brushes.DimGray, 0, 970);

formGraphics.DrawString(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"), MyFont1, Brushes.DimGray, 180, 50);

            formGraphics.DrawString(global.temstr[0], MyFont1, Brushes.DimGray, 180, 75);

            formGraphics.DrawString(global.temstr[2], MyFont1, Brushes.DimGray, 510, 50);

            formGraphics.DrawString(global.temstr[1], MyFont1, Brushes.DimGray, 510, 75);

formGraphics.DrawString(global.temstr[3], MyFont1, Brushes.DimGray, 180, 100);

            formGraphics.DrawString(global.temstr[4], MyFont1, Brushes.DimGray, 500, 100);

formGraphics.DrawString(" ", MyFont1, Brushes.DimGray, 190, 270);//

            formGraphics.DrawString(" ", MyFont1, Brushes.DimGray, 340, 270);//

            formGraphics.DrawString(" ", MyFont1, Brushes.DimGray, 490, 270);

formGraphics.DrawString("V", MyFont1, Brushes.DimGray, 190, 320);

formGraphics.DrawString("A", MyFont1, Brushes.DimGray, 340, 320);

formGraphics.DrawString(" ", MyFont1, Brushes.DimGray, 490, 320);


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