
1: 如何查找大文件?


[root@getlnx01 u03]# pwd


[root@getlnx01 u03]# find . -type f -size +800M























[root@getlnx01 u03]# find . -type f -size +800M  -print0 | xargs -0 ls -l

-rw-r----- 1 oracle oinstall 2782846976 Mar  6 11:51 ./flash_recovery_area/backup/backupsets/ora_df873513413_s46809_s1

-rw-r----- 1 oracle oinstall 1878433792 Mar  6 11:53 ./flash_recovery_area/backup/backupsets/ora_df873514789_s46810_s1

-rw-r----- 1 oracle oinstall 1378492416 Mar  6 11:54 ./flash_recovery_area/backup/backupsets/ora_df873515765_s46811_s1

-rw-r----- 1 oracle oinstall 1641381888 Mar  6 11:56 ./flash_recovery_area/backup/backupsets/ora_df873516500_s46812_s1

-rw-r----- 1 oracle oinstall 1564065792 Mar  6 11:58 ./flash_recovery_area/backup/backupsets/ora_df873517396_s46813_s1

-rw-r----- 1 oracle oinstall 1663492096 Mar  6 12:00 ./flash_recovery_area/backup/backupsets/ora_df873518302_s46814_s1

-rw-r----- 1 oracle oinstall 1368244224 Mar  6 12:02 ./flash_recovery_area/backup/backupsets/ora_df873519197_s46815_s1

-rw-r----- 1 oracle oinstall 1629069312 Mar  6 12:04 ./flash_recovery_area/backup/backupsets/ora_df873519953_s46816_s1

-rw-r----- 1 oracle oinstall 1629954048 Mar  6 12:06 ./flash_recovery_area/backup/backupsets/ora_df873520789_s46817_s1

-rw-r----- 1 oracle oinstall 1202192384 Mar  6 12:07 ./flash_recovery_area/backup/backupsets/ora_df873521714_s46818_s1

-rw-r----- 1 oracle oinstall 1189388288 Mar  6 12:10 ./flash_recovery_area/backup/backupsets/ora_df873522876_s46820_s1

-rw-r----- 1 oracle oinstall 1089257472 Mar  6 12:11 ./flash_recovery_area/backup/backupsets/ora_df873523321_s46821_s1

-rw-r----- 1 oracle oinstall 1097687040 Mar  6 12:12 ./flash_recovery_area/backup/backupsets/ora_df873523646_s46822_s1

-rw-r----- 1 oracle oinstall 1051009024 Mar  6 12:13 ./flash_recovery_area/backup/backupsets/ora_df873524162_s46823_s1

-rw-r----- 1 oracle oinstall 4294975488 Apr  3 15:07 ./oradata/epps/gmtinv_d07.dbf

-rw-r----- 1 oracle oinstall 4194312192 Apr  1 22:36 ./oradata/epps/gmtinv_d08.dbf

-rw-r----- 1 oracle oinstall 4294975488 Apr  3 15:54 ./oradata/epps/gmtinv_x01.dbf

-rw-r----- 1 oracle oinstall 4294975488 Apr  3 15:57 ./oradata/epps/gmtinv_x02.dbf

-rw-r----- 1 oracle oinstall 4294975488 Apr  1 22:35 ./oradata/epps/invsubmat_d08.dbf

-rw-r----- 1 oracle oinstall 8589942784 Apr  4 09:55 ./oradata/epps/undotbs01.dbf

-rw-r----- 1 oracle oinstall 8589942784 Apr  4 09:15 ./oradata/epps/undotbs02.dbf


[root@getlnx01 u03]# find . -type f -size +800M  -print0 | xargs -0 du -h

1.3G    ./flash_recovery_area/backup/backupsets/ora_df873519197_s46815_s1

1.1G    ./flash_recovery_area/backup/backupsets/ora_df873523646_s46822_s1

1.2G    ./flash_recovery_area/backup/backupsets/ora_df873521714_s46818_s1

1.2G    ./flash_recovery_area/backup/backupsets/ora_df873522876_s46820_s1

1.5G    ./flash_recovery_area/backup/backupsets/ora_df873517396_s46813_s1

1.1G    ./flash_recovery_area/backup/backupsets/ora_df873523321_s46821_s1

1.3G    ./flash_recovery_area/backup/backupsets/ora_df873515765_s46811_s1

1.6G    ./flash_recovery_area/backup/backupsets/ora_df873520789_s46817_s1

1004M   ./flash_recovery_area/backup/backupsets/ora_df873524162_s46823_s1

1.6G    ./flash_recovery_area/backup/backupsets/ora_df873518302_s46814_s1

1.6G    ./flash_recovery_area/backup/backupsets/ora_df873519953_s46816_s1

1.6G    ./flash_recovery_area/backup/backupsets/ora_df873516500_s46812_s1

2.6G    ./flash_recovery_area/backup/backupsets/ora_df873513413_s46809_s1

1.8G    ./flash_recovery_area/backup/backupsets/ora_df873514789_s46810_s1

4.1G    ./oradata/epps/invsubmat_d08.dbf

4.0G    ./oradata/epps/gmtinv_d08.dbf

4.1G    ./oradata/epps/gmtinv_x01.dbf

8.1G    ./oradata/epps/undotbs02.dbf

4.1G    ./oradata/epps/gmtinv_d07.dbf

8.1G    ./oradata/epps/undotbs01.dbf

4.1G    ./oradata/epps/gmtinv_x02.dbf


[root@getlnx01 u03]# find . -type f -size +800M  -print0 | xargs -0 du -h | sort -nr

1004M   ./flash_recovery_area/backup/backupsets/ora_df873524162_s46823_s1

8.1G    ./oradata/epps/undotbs02.dbf

8.1G    ./oradata/epps/undotbs01.dbf

4.1G    ./oradata/epps/invsubmat_d08.dbf

4.1G    ./oradata/epps/gmtinv_x02.dbf

4.1G    ./oradata/epps/gmtinv_x01.dbf

4.1G    ./oradata/epps/gmtinv_d07.dbf

4.0G    ./oradata/epps/gmtinv_d08.dbf

2.6G    ./flash_recovery_area/backup/backupsets/ora_df873513413_s46809_s1

1.8G    ./flash_recovery_area/backup/backupsets/ora_df873514789_s46810_s1

1.6G    ./flash_recovery_area/backup/backupsets/ora_df873520789_s46817_s1

1.6G    ./flash_recovery_area/backup/backupsets/ora_df873519953_s46816_s1

1.6G    ./flash_recovery_area/backup/backupsets/ora_df873518302_s46814_s1

1.6G    ./flash_recovery_area/backup/backupsets/ora_df873516500_s46812_s1

1.5G    ./flash_recovery_area/backup/backupsets/ora_df873517396_s46813_s1

1.3G    ./flash_recovery_area/backup/backupsets/ora_df873519197_s46815_s1

1.3G    ./flash_recovery_area/backup/backupsets/ora_df873515765_s46811_s1

1.2G    ./flash_recovery_area/backup/backupsets/ora_df873522876_s46820_s1

1.2G    ./flash_recovery_area/backup/backupsets/ora_df873521714_s46818_s1

1.1G    ./flash_recovery_area/backup/backupsets/ora_df873523646_s46822_s1

1.1G    ./flash_recovery_area/backup/backupsets/ora_df873523321_s46821_s1


2: 如何查找Linux下的大目录


[root@getlnx01 u03]# du -h --max-depth=1

16K     ./lost+found

33G     ./flash_recovery_area

37G     ./oradata

70G     .

如果你想知道flash_recovery_area目录下面有哪些大文件夹,那么可以将参数max-depth=2 ,如果你想对搜索出来的结果进行排序,那么可以借助于sort命令。如下所示

[root@getlnx01 u03]# du -h --max-depth=2 | sort -n

3.5G    ./flash_recovery_area/EPPS

16K     ./lost+found

29G     ./flash_recovery_area/backup

33G     ./flash_recovery_area

37G     ./oradata

37G     ./oradata/epps

70G     .

[root@getlnx01 u03]# du -hm --max-depth=2 | sort -n

1       ./lost+found

3527    ./flash_recovery_area/EPPS

29544   ./flash_recovery_area/backup

33070   ./flash_recovery_area

37705   ./oradata

37705   ./oradata/epps

70775   .

[root@getlnx01 u03]# cd /

[root@getlnx01 /]# du -hm --max-depth=2 | sort -n


[root@getlnx01 /]# du -hm --max-depth=2 | sort -nr | head -12

407480  .

167880  ./u04

158685  ./u02/oradata

158685  ./u02

152118  ./u04/oradata

70775   ./u03

37705   ./u03/oradata

33070   ./u03/flash_recovery_area

5995    ./u01/app

5995    ./u01

3551    ./usr

1558    ./usr/share

[root@getlnx01 /]# 





当Linux 进行查找时,对某些目录的访问可能没有权限而无法进行访问,打印出很多错误消息


-bash-3.2$ ls
anaconda-ks.cfg  bea  Desktop  lib  wls1036_generic.jar


-bash-3.2$ find . -name "*.log"
find: ./.gconfd: 权限不够
find: ./.gnome2: 权限不够
find: ./.gnome2_private: 权限不够
find: ./.Trash: 权限不够
find: ./.java: 权限不够
find: ./.tuscany: 权限不够
find: ./.eggcups: 权限不够
find: ./.chewing: 权限不够
find: ./.mozilla/firefox: 权限不够
find: ./.scim: 权限不够
find: ./.metacity: 权限不够
find: ./.gconf: 权限不够
find: ./.nautilus/metafiles: 权限不够

-bash-3.2$ echo $LANG


-bash-3.2$ export LANG="en_US.UTF-8"
-bash-3.2$ echo  $LANG

-bash-3.2$ find . -name "*.log"
find: ./.gconfd: Permission denied
find: ./.gnome2: Permission denied
find: ./.gnome2_private: Permission denied
find: ./.Trash: Permission denied
find: ./.java: Permission denied
find: ./.tuscany: Permission denied
find: ./.eggcups: Permission denied
find: ./.chewing: Permission denied
find: ./.mozilla/firefox: Permission denied
find: ./.scim: Permission denied
find: ./.metacity: Permission denied
find: ./.gconf: Permission denied
find: ./.nautilus/metafiles: Permission denied

-bash-3.2$ find . -name "*.log" 2>/dev/null
-bash-3.2$ find . -name "*.cfg" 2>/dev/null



# cd /root
# grep -rl "work" *

find /tmp -name core -type f -print | xargs /bin/rm -f Find files named core in or below the directory /tmp and delete them. Note that this will work incorrectly if there are any filenames containing newlines, single or double
quotes, or spaces. find /tmp -name core -type f -print0 | xargs - /bin/rm -f Find files named core in or below the directory /tmp and delete them, processing filenames in such a way that file or directory names containing single or double quotes,
spaces or newlines are correctly handled. The -name test comes before the -type test in order to avoid having to call stat() on every file. find . -type f -exec file '{}' \; Runs ‘file’ on every file in or below the current directory. Notice that the braces are enclosed in single quote marks to protect them from interpretation as shell script
punctuation. The semicolon is similarly protected by the use of a backslash, though single quotes could have been used in that case also. find / \( -perm - -fprintf /root/suid.txt '%#m %u %p\n' \) , \
\( -size +100M -fprintf /root/big.txt '%-10s %p\n' \) Traverse the filesystem just once, listing setuid files and directories into /root/suid.txt and large files into /root/big.txt. find $HOME -mtime Search for files in your home directory which have been modified in the last twenty-four hours. This command works this way because the time since each file was last modi-
fied is divided by hours and any remainder is discarded. That means that to match -mtime , a file will have to have a modification in the past which is less than
hours ago. find /sbin /usr/sbin -executable \! -readable -print Search for files which are executable but not readable. find . -perm Search for files which have read and write permission for their owner, and group, but which other users can read but not write to. Files which meet these criteria but have
other permissions bits set (for example if someone can execute the file) will not be matched. find . -perm - Search for files which have read and write permission for their owner and group, and which other users can read, without regard to the presence of any extra permission bits
(for example the executable bit). This will match a file which has mode , for example. find . -perm / Search for files which are writable by somebody (their owner, or their group, or anybody else). find . -perm /
find . -perm /u+w,g+w
find . -perm /u=w,g=w All three of these commands do the same thing, but the first one uses the octal representation of the file mode, and the other two use the symbolic form. These commands all
search for files which are writable by either their owner or their group. The files don’t have to be writable by both the owner and group to be matched; either will do. find . -perm -
find . -perm -g+w,u+w Both these commands do the same thing; search for files which are writable by both their owner and their group. find . -perm - -perm / ! -perm /
find . -perm -a+r -perm /a+w ! -perm /a+x These two commands both search for files that are readable for everybody ( -perm - or -perm -a+r), have at least one write bit set ( -perm / or -perm /a+w) but are not
executable for anybody ( ! -perm / and ! -perm /a+x respectively). cd /source-dir
find . -name .snapshot -prune -o \( \! -name *~ -print0 \)|
cpio -pmd0 /dest-dir This command copies the contents of /source-dir to /dest-dir, but omits files and directories named .snapshot (and anything in them). It also omits files or directories
whose name ends in ~, but not their contents. The construct -prune -o \( ... -print0 \) is quite common. The idea here is that the expression before -prune matches things
which are to be pruned. However, the -prune action itself returns true, so the following -o ensures that the right hand side is evaluated only for those directories which
didn’t get pruned (the contents of the pruned directories are not even visited, so their contents are irrelevant). The expression on the right hand side of the -o is in
parentheses only for clarity. It emphasises that the -print0 action takes place only for things that didn’t have -prune applied to them. Because the default ‘and’ condi-
tion between tests binds more tightly than -o, this is the default anyway, but the parentheses help to show what is going on. find repo/ -exec test -d {}/.svn -o -d {}/.git -o -d {}/CVS ; \
-print -prune Given the following directory of projects and their associated SCM administrative directories, perform an efficient search for the projects’ roots: repo/project1/CVS
repo/project4/.git In this example, -prune prevents unnecessary descent into directories that have already been discovered (for example we do not search project3/src because we already found
project3/.svn), but ensures sibling directories (project2 and project3) are found. EXIT STATUS
find exits with status if all files are processed successfully, greater than if errors occur. This is deliberately a very broad description, but if the return value is
non-zero, you should not rely on the correctness of the results of find.


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