In this Document





Applies to:

BI Publisher (formerly XML Publisher) - Version 12.1 to 12.2 [Release 12.1 to 12.2]

Information in this document applies to any platform.


BiP Requests are failing:



[12/12/12 8:31:23 AM] [UNEXPECTED] [10465789:RT102460740] oracle.apps.xdo.XDOException: Error creating lock file


Utilization of the filesystem was full.


Clean up extraneous files from file system.

Other possibilities:

1. From the XML Publisher Administration page Click on the 'General' plus sign and make sure the Temporary directory path is set from the root.

2. Make sure that this directory can be written to by applmgr from the node that the OPP is running on. You can use the touch command to test this.

3. Set the temporary directory to it's own directory at least 20x larger than the largest data file used by XMLP. Start off with at least 5GB.

4. Try resetting the diretory to a different directory on the same mount as the OPP. -- Bring down the concurrent managers completely and run the Concurrent Manager Recovery feature to address any Concurrent Manager / Concurrent Processing issues within the
Oracle Application Manager. and restart the mangers.

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My Oracle Support BI Publisher Community.

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