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* Definition for binary tree
* struct TreeNode {
* int val;
* TreeNode *left;
* TreeNode *right;
* TreeNode(int x) : val(x), left(NULL), right(NULL) {}
* };
class Solution {
TreeNode *buildTree(vector<int> &inorder, vector<int> &postorder)
if (inorder.size() == ) return NULL;
int rootval = postorder.back();
TreeNode *root = new TreeNode(rootval); vector<int> subv11, subv12, subv21, subv22;
bool flag = true; for (int i = ; i < inorder.size(); ++i)
if (inorder[i] == rootval) flag = false;
if (flag && inorder[i] != rootval)
else if (!flag && inorder[i] != rootval)
subv22.push_back(postorder[i - ]);
root -> left = buildTree(subv11, subv21);
root -> right = buildTree(subv12, subv22); return root;

如上,我是没次迭代的时候将数组分割成两部分,然后再对两部分分别递归求解。理论上应该是正确的。但是估计每次开辟新的vector存子数组用的空间一次一次递归用的空间太大了。以至于Memory Limit Exceeded









* Definition for binary tree
* struct TreeNode {
* int val;
* TreeNode *left;
* TreeNode *right;
* TreeNode(int x) : val(x), left(NULL), right(NULL) {}
* };
class Solution {
TreeNode *fun105(vector<int> &inorder, int is, int ie, vector<int> &postorder, int ps, int pe)
if (is > ie || ps > pe || ie - is != pe - ps) return NULL;
TreeNode *root = new TreeNode(postorder[pe]);
int rootIndex, rootval = root -> val;
for (int i = ; i <= ie; ++i)
if (inorder[i] == rootval)
rootIndex = i;
} root -> left = fun105(inorder, is, rootIndex - , postorder, ps, ps + (rootIndex--is));
root -> right = fun105(inorder, rootIndex + , ie, postorder, pe - - (ie-(rootIndex+)), pe - ); return root;
TreeNode *buildTree(vector<int> &inorder, vector<int> &postorder)
if (inorder.size() == ) return NULL;
return fun105(inorder, , inorder.size() - , postorder, , postorder.size() - );



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