方法hset(String key,String field,String value),hmset(String key, Map<String,String> hash),hgetAll()

hash结构(key value)

业务场景:当信物无感时间超过一定时间 就再次出现


 用redis 存储无感信物去exclude:

  1. //1.批量获取用户的无感信物列表:
  1. (判断无感信物有效期是否超过):
  1. Map<String, String> userGiftList = giftCacheFacade.getUser(userId);
  1. (内置方法:Map<String, String> hash = redisClientTemplate.hgetAll(key))
  1. Map<String, String> newUserGiftList = Maps.newHashMap();
  3. List<Integer> excludeGiftIds = Lists.newArrayList();
  1. for (String giftIdStr : userGiftList.keySet()) {
    String giftExpireTime = userGiftList.get(giftIdStr);
    if (System.currentTimeMillis() < Long.valueOf(giftExpireTime)) {
    newUserGiftList.put(giftIdStr, giftExpireTime);
  2. //2.更新缓存
  1. newUserGiftList.forEach((k, v) -> giftCacheFacade.setUser(userId, Integer.parseInt(k), Long.parseLong(v)));
  1. (内置方法:redisClientTemplate.hset(userId, giftId + "", expireTime + ""))

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