I really enjoyed this talk, optimistic and helpful.

May I offer a small but perhaps helpful bit of knowledge that may help prevent some forms of blindness, cataracts and eye damage.

There is a link between cataracts and sorbitol. Too much sorbitol trapped in retinal cells, the cells of the lens, and the Schwann cells that myelinate peripheral nerves can damage these cells, leading to retinopathy, cataracts and peripheral neuropathy, respectively.

There is a very vulnerable organ in the nose called the olfactory bulb. It provides access to the brain and via the various passages linking nose and eye to the eye itself. The olfactory bulb only accepts fine sprays when it transits substances into the brain.

One of the things we have just discovered - researching both cataracts and pharmaceuticals - is that many nasal sprays contain sorbitol.

Thus although the children in the film may have become blind from viruses [like the herpes virus], parasites, toxins [like mercury], bacteria or fungi, there may be any number of people who are exposing themselves to unecessary risk - old and young by using nasal sprays with sorbitol in.

There is also a link people may find helpful with Toxoplasmosis - a parasitic disease caused by the protozoan Toxoplasma gondii. The parasite infects most genera of warm-blooded animals, including humans, but the primary host is the felid (cat) family- so your cat can be a cause of cataracts and blindness.

It may well be why so many old people with cats as pets get cataracts and macular degeneration. Cats - a blessing and a curse!!

Whilst all forms of effective treatment are to be applauded, prevention is better.

Thank you for the talk

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