
29.4. __main__ — Top-level script environment — Python 3.6.1 documentation  https://docs.python.org/3/library/__main__.html


from tool import *
import re '''
# 批量删除
# deleteMany({'spiderDate': '20180903'}, 'todayUrls')
''' # 更新日期字符串冗余- .replace('-', '')
# 更新website字段冗余 .replace('URL:', '')
# cleanData = selectToDic('_id', 'todayUrls', fields={'webSite': 1, 'spiderDate': 1})
# cleanData = selectToDic('_id', 'todayUrls', fields={'Base64parse2times': { '$exists': True}})
collection_name = 'todayUrls'
cleanData = selectToDic('_id', collection_name, fields={'url': 1}, where={'spiderDate': '20180906'})
delIds = []
for i in cleanData:
_id = i
item = cleanData[i]
url = item['url']
pathTag = 'cnhan.com/pinfo/'
# 通过正则删除
if pathTag in url and re.match('^http://www.cnhan.com/pinfo/\d+\.html$',
url) is None:
print(_id, url)
deleteOne({'_id': _id}, collection_name)
''' def improve():
cleanData = selectToDic('_id', 'todayUrls', fields={})
for i in cleanData:
_id = i
item = cleanData[i]
spiderDate = item['spiderDate']
updateOneIdKV(_id, 'spiderDate', spiderDate.replace('-', ''))
print('improve', _id)
if 'webSite' in item:
webSite = item['webSite']
updateOneIdKV(_id, 'webSite', webSite.replace('URL:', '')) def uniqueUrlSpiderDate(collectionMame='todayUrls'):
当日url + spiderDate留其一
spiderDate_url_set = {}
cleanData = selectToDic('_id', collectionMame, fields={'spiderDate': 1, 'url': 1})
for i in cleanData:
_id = i
item = cleanData[i]
url, spiderDate = item['url'], item['spiderDate']
k = url + spiderDate
if k not in spiderDate_url_set:
spiderDate_url_set[k] = []
spiderDate_url_set[k].append(_id) save_id_l = []
for k in spiderDate_url_set:
for i in cleanData:
_id = i
if _id not in save_id_l:
deleteOne({'_id': _id}, collectionMame)
print('uniqueUrlSpiderDate', _id) if __name__ == "__main__":
uniqueUrlSpiderDate('siteUserPage') D:\pyTOgo\dataAppend.py
from tool import RandomString, selectToDic, updateOne
from mongoTrans import improve, uniqueUrlSpiderDate
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests, time, json, random cleanDbSwitcher = True if 7 > 9 else False
if cleanDbSwitcher:
uniqueUrlSpiderDate('siteUserPage') a.py
def fa():
def fa2():
import fa from a 没有
if __name__ == "__main__":


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