python bezier 曲线
1.手写bezier公式,生成bezier代码, 如果给的点数过多,则会生成一半bezier曲线,剩下的一半就需要进行拼接:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import bezier
b_xs = []
b_ys = [] # xs表示原始数据
# n表示阶数
# k表示索引
def one_bezier_curve(a, b, t):
return (1 - t) * a + t * b def n_bezier_curve(xs, n, k, t):
if n == 1:
return one_bezier_curve(xs[k], xs[k + 1], t)
return (1 - t) * n_bezier_curve(xs, n - 1, k, t) + t * n_bezier_curve(xs, n - 1, k + 1, t) def bezier_curve(xs, ys, num, b_xs, b_ys):
n = 5 # 采用5次bezier曲线拟合
t_step = 1.0 / (num - 1)
# t_step = 1.0 / num
t = np.arange(0.0, 1 + t_step, t_step)
for each in t:
b_xs.append(n_bezier_curve(xs, n, 0, each))
b_ys.append(n_bezier_curve(ys, n, 0, each)) def func():
xs = [1.0, 2.1, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0]
ys = [0, 1.1, 2.1, 1.0, 0.2, 0]
num = 20 bezier_curve(xs, ys, num, b_xs, b_ys) # 将计算结果加入到列表中
print(b_xs, b_ys)
plt.plot(b_xs, b_ys, 'r') # bezier曲线
# plt.plot(xs, ys) # 原曲线
# func()
2. 拼接bezier曲线
def point_bezier(avoid_point):
global p
xs = avoid_point[0, 0] #
ys = avoid_point[1, 0] #
xe = avoid_point[0, -1] # 34.5844
ye = avoid_point[1, -1] #
Latoff = 2.3
startp = np.array([xs, ys])
endp = np.array([xe, ye])
endp1 = np.array([xe+2, ye])
# print(startp, endp)
P0 = startp
P1 = np.array([startp[0] + (endp[0] - startp[0]) / 8, startp[1]])
P2 = np.array([startp[0] + (endp[0] - startp[0]) / 8 * 2, startp[1]])
P3 = np.array([startp[0] + (endp[0] - startp[0]) / 8 * 2, startp[1] + Latoff])
P4 = np.array([startp[0] + (endp[0] - startp[0]) / 8 * 3, startp[1] + Latoff])
P5 = np.array([startp[0] + (endp[0] - startp[0]) / 8 * 4, startp[1] + Latoff])
P6 = np.array([startp[0] + (endp[0] - startp[0]) / 8 * 5, startp[1] + Latoff])
P7 = np.array([startp[0] + (endp[0] - startp[0]) / 8 * 6, startp[1] + Latoff])
P8 = np.array([startp[0] + (endp[0] - startp[0]) / 8 * 6, startp[1] + Latoff])
P9 = np.array([startp[0] + (endp[0] - startp[0]) / 8 * 7, startp[1]])
P10 = endp
P11 = endp1
i = 1
half_length = 0.5 * (xe + xs)
for u in np.arange(startp[0], startp[0] + (endp[0] - startp[0]) / 2, 0.2):
# for u =startp[0]:0.2: startp[1] + (endp[1] - startp[1]) / 2
c = (1 - (u - startp[0]) / half_length) ** 5 * P0 + 5 * (1 - (u - startp[0]) / half_length) ** 4 * (
u - startp[0]) / half_length * P1 + 10 * (1 - (u - startp[0]) / half_length) ** 3 * (
(u - startp[0]) / half_length) ** 2 * P2 + 10 * (1 - (u - startp[0]) / half_length) ** 2 * (
(u - startp[0]) / half_length) ** 3 * P3 + 5 * (1 - (u - startp[0]) / half_length) * (
(u - startp[0]) / half_length) ** 4 * P4 + ((u - startp[0]) / half_length) ** 5 * P5
i = i + 1
p = np.append(p, [c], axis=0) for u in np.arange(startp[0] + half_length, endp[0], 0.2):
d = (1 - (u - startp[0] - half_length) / half_length) ** 5 * P6 + 5 * (
1 - (u - startp[0] - half_length) / half_length) ** 4 * (
u - startp[0] - half_length) / half_length * P7 + 10 * (
1 - (u - startp[0] - half_length) / half_length) ** 3 * (
(u - startp[0] - half_length) / half_length) ** 2 * P8 + 10 * (
1 - (u - startp[0] - half_length) / half_length) ** 2 * (
(u - startp[0] - half_length) / half_length) ** 3 * P9 + 5 * (
1 - (u - startp[0] - half_length) / half_length) * (
(u - startp[0] - half_length) / half_length) ** 4 * P10 + (
(u - startp[0] - half_length) / half_length) ** 5 * P11
i = i + 1
p = np.append(p, [d], axis=0)
return p
# print(p)
# plt.plot(p[:, 0], p[:, 1], 'r')
3.使用python 内置bezier包,完成bezier曲线(使用前需安装bezier包)
a = np.array([[1.0, 2.1, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0], [0, 1.1, 2.1, 1.0, 0.2, 0]])
curve = bezier.Curve(a, degree=5)
# print(curve)
s_vals = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, 30)
data = curve.evaluate_multi(s_vals)
x33 = data[0]
y33 = data[1]
plt.plot(x33, y33, 'y', linewidth=2.0, linestyle="-", label="y2")
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