b_step=$4 a_start=1
let a_end=$a_start+$a_step b_start=1
let b_end=$b_start+$b_step a_lines=$(wc -l $a_file | awk '{print $1}')
b_lines=$(wc -l $b_file | awk '{print $1}') while true
awk "NR >= $a_start && NR < $a_end {print}" $a_file
awk "NR >= $b_start && NR < $b_end {print}" $b_file
let a_start=$a_start+$a_step
let a_end=$a_end+$a_step
let b_start=$b_start+$b_step
let b_end=$b_end+$b_step if [ $a_start -ge $a_lines ] && [ $b_start -ge $b_lines ]
fi #echo "a_start:" $a_start "a_end:" $a_end "b_start:" $b_start "b_end:" $b_end
#echo "a_file:" $a_file "a_step:" $a_step
#echo "b_file:" $b_file "b_step:" $b_step



bash interleave.sh file_a 7 file_b 1


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