Delphi DataType C# datatype
ansistring string
boolean bool
byte byte
char char
comp double
currency decimal
double double
extended double
int64 long
int32 int
int16 short
integer int
longint int
longword uint
olevariant object
pchar string
real double
real48 double
shortint sbyte
single float
smallint short
string string
variant object
widechar char
wchar char
uchar char
widestring string
word ushort
textfile System.IO.FileInfo
tdate System.DateTime
tdatetime System.DateTime
tfiletime System.DateTime
hresult long
pointer object
ansichar char
file System.IO.File
plongint int
pinteger int
pcardinal uint
pword double
pdword double
psmallint short
pbyte byte
pshortint short
pint64 long
plongword uint
psingle float
pdouble double
pdate System.DateTime
pdispatch object
ppdispatch object
perror object
pwordbool bool
punknown object
ppunknown object
ppwidechar string
ppchar string
ppansichar string
pansichar string
pextended double
pcomp double
pcurrency double
pvariant object
polevariant object
ppointer object
pboolean bool
pdatetime System.DateTime
thandle long
tresult long
cardinal uint
tbytearray byte[]
twordarray int[]
dword int
pstring string
pwidestring string
tsystemtime System.DateTime
bytebool bool
longbool bool
wordbool bool
hmodule long
tlargeinteger int
plargeinteger int
pwidechar string
toleenum long
pbytearray byte[]
pwordarray int[]
pansistring string
ptextbuf string
shortstring string
utf8string string
text System.IO.Stream
textfile System.IO.Stream
textinput System.IO.TextReader
textoutput System.IO.TextWriter
ttypeinfo System.Type
tbytes sbyte[]

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