word2010 ctrl v not work
终于解决了word 2010中ctrl v 不能用的问题。
0 word ctrl c 可以用,右键粘贴可以正常使用,快捷键ctrl v不能用。
1 在excel中ctrl c 和ctrl v,可以正常使用。
2 卸载了sogou输入法,word中的ctrl v仍然不能用。
3 尝试了
I had/have the same issue, It is not clear why this happens, couldn't find any Microsoft blog post or something that confirms this, BUT, when looking through the Word 2010 settings I have found that there was a complete revamp of the shortcuts. To "restore" word to the way you remember, you need to go to, File->Options->Customize Ribbon On the bottom there is a label "Keyboard Shortcuts" and a button "Customize..." - click it On the Categories box, scroll until you find "All Commands" and select it. Now, from the right box select the following Command: EditCopy Look at the "Current Keys" Box you will see "Ctrl+Insert" which is the NEW mapping now put your cursor in the "Press new shortcut key" and Press Ctrl+C, a button on the bottom named Assign will light up, and you click on it. Do the same for all the shortcuts you like, such as EditPaste, EditUndo, EditRedo, EditCut, SelectAll etc, then save. Now everything works perfectly. Again, I'm not clear why this wasn't communicated by MS, it seems they are trying to force a new (old) standard on us that was used in mac for a long time, |
My guess is, there is a problem with a Word add-on/plugin that's installed and/or is enabled. That is if it isn't system wide. Try disabling all the plugins and trying again. |
卸载了mathtype插件,重启word2010,ctrl v正常使用。
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