Yesterday we have learn how to find the SVDI Serial Number, today one of customer from UK look our article and ask us, If i have problem of the SN number display , how can I sort it out? Please do not worry,  here we would tell you the detail steps how to solve the SVDI SN Number Display Problem .

Please following us :

After click SVDI Device: 0 Property, if you find the Product Description and Serial Number is not as the same as that pasted on SVDI hardware, then follow the bellow instruction to fix it.
1. Diconnect USB devices
and connect SVDI to PC to launch “FT_PROG.exe” software. Click “Search
Icon (Magnifying style)” to check hard disk information (as shown
picture below).

2. Apply Template
Right click to select “Device0?>>”Apply Template”>>”svdi-temp.xml” file (as shown picture below)

3. Program Template
Click “Program Devices (Lightning style)” to selct”Device0?. Then click
“Programe” button to start programming. Wait patiently until
programming completed. Disconnect USB and reconnect to launch SVDI

SVDI related link:

all for the steps help you solve the SVDI SN number display problem ,
do you know it now ? Any questions, please do not hesitation contact us .

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