(4)A selection of tips



Make sure HTTP compression is turned on for any uncompressed content. HTML in particular compresses significantly, and in this era of mobile friendliness and slow 3G connections, that’s essential.

(5)Always set the CacheControlMaxAge attribute in web.config to a high number (a year is good). You don’t want people pulling down the same static content they did last week. It’ll also save on the bandwidth you’re paying for.



(6)Make use of the OutputCache annotation on MVC controllers. If the server can serve from memory, rather than going to disk or database, that’s a good win.


在MVC 控制器上使用OutputCache标识。如果服务能从内存中获取能比从磁盘和数据库获得更好的性能。

(7)Always profile your ORM database hits with SQL Profiler during development. ORMs get away from you very quickly. Before you know it, you’ve run a query 2000 times in a loop, when you could have retrieved all your data with a single database hit.


总是在开发中使用SQL Profiler分析你的ORM数据库访问。ORMs让你远离了SQL查询。在你了解它以前,你已经在一个循环中运行2000次查询,其实你可以在一次数据库访问中获取所有的数据。

(8)Watch out for lazy loading in ORMs. You shouldn’t lazy load any entities that could be retrieved with a single database hit.



(9)Implement different database queries in different contexts. In the API and on a webpage, you’ll inevitably require different entity properties, so don’t load things you don’t need just because it’s convenient to reuse a query.



(10)Get MiniProfiler and configure it to always run when you hit your site (just don’t enable it for the general public). You’ll get detailed execution times and a big red warning if the same database query is running multiple times.




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