Option Properties

The following are the properties that each Option has. All of these can be set using the accessors or using the methods defined in the OptionBuilder.

Name Type Description
opt java.lang.String the identification string of the Option.
longOpt java.lang.String an alias and more descriptive identification string
description java.lang.String a description of the function of the option
required boolean a flag to say whether the option must appear on the command line.
arg boolean a flag to say whether the option takes an argument
args boolean a flag to say whether the option takes more than one argument
optionalArg boolean a flag to say whether the option's argument is optional
argName java.lang.String the name of the argument value for the usage statement
valueSeparator char the character value used to split the argument string, that is used in conjunction with multipleArgs e.g. if the separator is ',' and the argument string is 'a,b,c' then there are three argument values, 'a', 'b' and 'c'.
type java.lang.Object the type of the argument
value java.lang.String the value of the option
values java.lang.String[] the values of the option

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