本文介绍在centos7上面通过hadoop2.4.1源码构建hadoop distribution 版本,即hadoop的运行版本。

  为何要自己building,而不用Apache的distribution 【bin】版本,因为hadoop涉及到Linux系统的底层实现,如:

    hadoop fs -ls /

  通过 java Native 实现,故应为 native的相关lib。【个人认为的一点】



  •  hadoop

    • hadoop-2.4.1.tar.gz 本人通过在centos7上构建的distribution版本,可以直接下载并配置,然后运行即可,参考文章
    • hadoop-2.4.1-src.tar.gz hadoop的源代码
  •  relative_tools
    • maven  【只需要配置 MAVEN_HADOOP 的环境变量】
    • protocolbuf   [即:google protocolBUffer],需要自己构建,并检查protocolbuf是否已配置环境变量
    • findbugs  需要自己构建,并检查protocolbuf是否已配置环境变量
    • Cmake 自己搜索,并构建配置环境变量
    • Requirements:
      * Unix System
      * JDK 1.6+
      * Maven 3.0 or later
      * Findbugs 1.3. (if running findbugs)
      * ProtocolBuffer 2.5.
      * CMake 2.6 or newer (if compiling native code)
      * Internet connection for first build (to fetch all Maven and Hadoop dependencies) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      Maven build goals: * Clean : mvn clean
      * Compile : mvn compile [-Pnative]
      * Run tests : mvn test [-Pnative]
      * Create JAR : mvn package
      * Run findbugs : mvn compile findbugs:findbugs
      * Run checkstyle : mvn compile checkstyle:checkstyle
      * Install JAR in M2 cache : mvn install
      * Deploy JAR to Maven repo : mvn deploy
      * Run clover : mvn test -Pclover [-DcloverLicenseLocation=${user.name}/.clover.license]
      * Run Rat : mvn apache-rat:check
      * Build javadocs : mvn javadoc:javadoc
      * Build distribution : mvn package [-Pdist][-Pdocs][-Psrc][-Pnative][-Dtar]
      * Change Hadoop version : mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=NEWVERSION Build options: * Use -Pnative to compile/bundle native code
      * Use -Pdocs to generate & bundle the documentation in the distribution (using -Pdist)
      * Use -Psrc to create a project source TAR.GZ
      * Use -Dtar to create a TAR with the distribution (using -Pdist) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      Importing projects to eclipse When you import the project to eclipse, install hadoop-maven-plugins at first. $ cd hadoop-maven-plugins
      $ mvn install Then, generate eclipse project files. $ mvn eclipse:eclipse -DskipTests At last, import to eclipse by specifying the root directory of the project via
      [File] > [Import] > [Existing Projects into Workspace]. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      Building distributions: Create binary distribution without native code and without documentation: $ mvn package -Pdist -DskipTests -Dtar Create binary distribution with native code and with documentation: $ mvn package -Pdist,native,docs -DskipTests -Dtar Create source distribution: $ mvn package -Psrc -DskipTests Create source and binary distributions with native code and documentation: $ mvn package -Pdist,native,docs,src -DskipTests -Dtar Create a local staging version of the website (in /tmp/hadoop-site) $ mvn clean site; mvn site:stage -DstagingDirectory=/tmp/hadoop-site
  • 只要上述的Linux系统、cmake、maven、findbuds、protocolbuf、网络连通、java都已构建/安装成功后等条件满足后,就在hadoop源代码目录运行代码区的着色区域


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