
官方的说法(查看原文“Qt: Making the right licensing decision”):

The LGPL is a license agreement written (and copyrighted) by the Free Software Foundation.
The LGPL is a “copyleft” open source software license but is less restrictive than the GNU GPL.

    The LGPL version 2.1 license was created by the Free Software Foundation and is copyrighted by them. This means that the terms cannot be changed or negotiated by us.
    Users can develop proprietary applications that dynamically link to the Qt libraries without having to release their application source code.
     All modifications that are considered “works based on the Library” must be licensed under the LGPL v. 2.1 and need to be shared with downstream recipients in source code format (i.e. contributed back). In the Qt context this means that modifications made to Qt itself must be licensed under the terms of the LGPL.
    If you are shipping an executable, you must include any data and utility programs needed for reproducing the executable (i.e. must provide components needed to recompile with a new version of the library) unless such data and utility programs are normally distributed with the major components of the operating system on which the executable runs.
    Copyrights and notices need to be maintained.

Because the LGPL is a complex legal document, we always suggest that you have your legal counsel review the license prior to beginning development work to ensure that the LGPL is appropriate for your development project. Please note that once you begin with the LGPL you cannot then convert to a commercial license due to a restriction in our commercial license agreement.

Qt之LGPL授权下的阴谋?” 来自 CSDN
Freely distribute the Qt shared libraries (DLLs)?”  来自Qt官方论坛





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