Option Explicit

'==================================== 声明属性 =================================
Private Con As ADODB.Connection

' ====================================声明事件===================================

'==================================== 初始化 类 ===================================
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
  Set Con = New ADODB.Connection
  Con.CursorLocation = adUseClient '设置此项才可获取 recordset.RecordCount
  Con.ConnectionString = "Driver={MySQL ODBC 5.2 ANSI Driver};" + _
    "Server=sc;" + _
    "DB=oa;" + _
    "UID=UID;" + _
    "PWD=PWD;" + _
    "OPTION=3;" + _
    "Stmt=Set Names 'UTF-8';"

End Sub

'=================================== 以“属性”的形式对 私有变量 读取、赋值 ====================================

'=================================== 公有方法 ====================================
Public Sub closeConnection()
  Set Con = Nothing
End Sub

Public Sub checkConnection()
  If Con.State = adStateOpen Then
    MsgBox "链接状态:" & Con.State & vbCrLf & "ADO版本:" & Con.Version, vbInformation, ""
  End If

  closeConnection '关闭连接
End Sub

'将查询得到的记录显示到指定 单元格
Public Sub recordToCell(sqlStr As String, wBook, wSheet, firstCell As String)
  Dim thisRec As ADODB.Recordset

  Set thisRec = selectRecord(sqlStr)

  '写入到指定 单元格
  Workbooks(wBook).Sheets(wSheet).Range(firstCell).CopyFromRecordset thisRec

  closeConnection '关闭连接
End Sub

'============= 数据库 “插、查、改、删” ==============

'db 数据库名
'fieldArray 字段名 数组
'valueArray 字段值 数组
'checkField 用于检查是否已有相同记录的 字段名(field1,field2,……)
Public Function inertRecord(db As String, fieldArray, valueArray, checkField As String) As Integer
  Dim insertRow As Integer
  Dim rec As ADODB.Recordset
  Dim checkFV, fieldValue, insertSql As String

  ' MsgBox TypeName(fieldArray)

  checkFV = Join(fieldAndValue(fieldArray, valueArray, checkField), " AND ")
  fieldValue = Join(fieldAndValue(fieldArray, valueArray), ",")

  Set rec = selectRecord(db, "id", checkFV)
  If rec.RecordCount < 1 Then
    insertSql = "INSERT INTO `" & db & "` SET " & fieldValue
    Con.Execute insertSql, insertRow, adCmdText

    inertRecord = IIf(insertRow = 1, 1, 0)
    inertRecord = -1
  End If

  Set rec = Nothing
End Function

'db 数据库名
'fields 要查询的字段名(field1,field2,……)
'where 查询条件(`field1`='value1' AND|OR `field2`='value2' AND|OR ……)
'sortFields 排序工序(field1,field2[DESC],……)
'limit 要查询的记录数(100 或 20,100)
Public Function selectRecord(db As String, Optional fields = "*", _
  Optional where = "", Optional sortFields = "", Optional limit = "") As ADODB.Recordset

  Dim sqlStr As String

  sqlStr = "SELECT " & fields & " FROM `" & db & "`"
  If where <> "" Then sqlStr = sqlStr & " WHERE " & where
  If sortFields <> "" Then sqlStr = sqlStr & " ORDER BY '" & sortFields & "'"
  If limit <> "" Then sqlStr = sqlStr & " LIMIT " & limit

  ' MsgBox sqlStr
  Set selectRecord = allSql(sqlStr) '总查询 (执行sql语句方法)
End Function

'db 数据库名
'fieldArray 字段名 数组
'valueArray 字段值 数组
'where 条件(`field1`='value1' AND|OR `field2`='value2' AND|OR ……)
Public Function updateRecord(db As String, fieldArray, valueArray, where As String) As Integer
  Dim updateRows As Integer
  Dim updateSql, fieldValue As String

  fieldValue = Join(fieldAndValue(fieldArray, valueArray), ",")

  If fieldValue <> "" Then
    updateSql = "UPDATE `" & db & "` SET " & fieldValue & " WHERE " & where
    Con.Execute updateSql, updateRows, adCmdText

    updateRecord = IIf(updateRows <> 0, updateRows, 0)
  End If
End Function

'总查询 (执行sql语句方法)
Public Function allSql(sqlStr) As ADODB.Recordset
  Dim iRowscount As Long

  Set allSql = Con.Execute(sqlStr, iRowscount, adCmdText)
End Function

'=================================== 私有方法 ====================================
'将 fieldArray、valueArray 连接成 `field`='value'(Array)并返回 “数组”
'(若 onlyField 不为空,则只连接包含其内元素的 field)
Private Function fieldAndValue(fieldArray, valueArray, Optional onlyField = "")
  Dim i, s As Integer
  Dim fj_onlyField(), fvArray()

  ' MsgBox fieldArray(0)
  For i = 0 To UBound(fieldArray)
    If fieldArray(i) <> "" Then
      If onlyField = "" Then
        ReDim Preserve fvArray(i)
        fvArray(i) = "`" & fieldArray(i) & "`='" & valueArray(i) & "'"
        If InStr(onlyField, ",") > 0 Then
          fj_onlyField = Split(onlyField, ",")
          If checkArrayValue(fj_onlyField, fieldArray(i)) = True Then
            ReDim Preserve fvArray(s)
            fvArray(s) = "`" & fieldArray(i) & "`='" & valueArray(i) & "'"
            s = s + 1
          End If
          If onlyField = fieldArray(i) Then
            ReDim Preserve fvArray(0)
            fvArray(0) = "`" & fieldArray(i) & "`='" & valueArray(i) & "'"
            Exit For
          End If
        End If
      End If
    End If
  Next i
  fieldAndValue = fvArray
 End Function

Private Function checkArrayValue(arr, theValue) As Boolean
  Dim i As Integer

  checkArrayValue = False
  For i = 0 To UBound(arr)
    If arr(i) = theValue Then
      checkArrayValue = True
      Exit For
    End If
  Next i
End Function

'将 html实体 转换成正常字符(可用)
Private Function htmlDecodes(str As String) As String
  If str = "" Then
    htmlDecodes = ""
    str = Replace(str, "&lt;", "<")
    str = Replace(str, "&gt;", ">")
    str = Replace(str, "&amp;", "&")
    str = Replace(str, "&quot;", Chr(34))
    str = Replace(str, "&gt;", Chr(39))

    htmlDecodes = str
  End If
End Function

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