year month amount
2019 1 5
2019 3 6
2018 3 7
2018 4 8
2018 5 9
2017 1 10
2017 2 11
2016 3 12
select amount as "1月" from profit where month="1";
select amount as "2月" from profit where month="2";
select amount as "3月" from profit where month="3";
select amount as "4月" from profit where month="4";
select amount as "5月" from profit where month="5";
select amount as "6月" from profit where month="6";
select amount as "7月" from profit where month="7";
select amount as "8月" from profit where month="8";
select amount as "9月" from profit where month="9";
select amount as "10月" from profit where month="10";
select amount as "11月" from profit where month="11";
select amount as "12月" from profit where month="12";
select year,
(select amount from profit m1 where m1.month="1" and m1.year=m.year) as m1,
(select amount from profit m2 where m2.month="2" and m2.year=m.year) as m2,
(select amount from profit m3 where m3.month="3" and m3.year=m.year) as m3,
(select amount from profit m4 where m4.month="4" and m4.year=m.year) as m4,
(select amount from profit m5 where m5.month="5" and m5.year=m.year) as m5,
(select amount from profit m6 where m6.month="6" and m6.year=m.year) as m6,
(select amount from profit m7 where m7.month="7" and m7.year=m.year) as m7,
(select amount from profit m8 where m8.month="8" and m8.year=m.year) as m8,
(select amount from profit m9 where m9.month="9" and m9.year=m.year) as m9,
(select amount from profit m10 where m10.month="10" and m10.year=m.year) as m10,
(select amount from profit m11 where m11.month="11" and m11.year=m.year) as m11,
(select amount from profit m12 where m12.month="12" and m12.year=m.year) as m12
from profit m group by m.year
select year,
IFNULL((select amount from profit m1 where m1.month="1" and m1.year=m.year),0) as m1,
IFNULL((select amount from profit m2 where m2.month="2" and m2.year=m.year),0) as m2,
IFNULL((select amount from profit m3 where m3.month="3" and m3.year=m.year),0) as m3,
IFNULL((select amount from profit m4 where m4.month="4" and m4.year=m.year),0) as m4,
IFNULL((select amount from profit m5 where m5.month="5" and m5.year=m.year),0) as m5,
IFNULL((select amount from profit m6 where m6.month="6" and m6.year=m.year),0) as m6,
IFNULL((select amount from profit m7 where m7.month="7" and m7.year=m.year),0) as m7,
IFNULL((select amount from profit m8 where m8.month="8" and m8.year=m.year),0) as m8,
IFNULL((select amount from profit m9 where m9.month="9" and m9.year=m.year),0) as m9,
IFNULL((select amount from profit m10 where m10.month="10" and m10.year=m.year),0) as m10,
IFNULL((select amount from profit m11 where m11.month="11" and m11.year=m.year),0) as m11,
IFNULL((select amount from profit m12 where m12.month="12" and m12.year=m.year),0) as m12
from profit m group by m.year
select year,sum(amount) as "当年总金额",
IFNULL((select amount from profit m1 where m1.month="1" and m1.year=m.year),0) as m1,
IFNULL((select amount from profit m2 where m2.month="2" and m2.year=m.year),0) as m2,
IFNULL((select amount from profit m3 where m3.month="3" and m3.year=m.year),0) as m3,
IFNULL((select amount from profit m4 where m4.month="4" and m4.year=m.year),0) as m4,
IFNULL((select amount from profit m5 where m5.month="5" and m5.year=m.year),0) as m5,
IFNULL((select amount from profit m6 where m6.month="6" and m6.year=m.year),0) as m6,
IFNULL((select amount from profit m7 where m7.month="7" and m7.year=m.year),0) as m7,
IFNULL((select amount from profit m8 where m8.month="8" and m8.year=m.year),0) as m8,
IFNULL((select amount from profit m9 where m9.month="9" and m9.year=m.year),0) as m9,
IFNULL((select amount from profit m10 where m10.month="10" and m10.year=m.year),0) as m10,
IFNULL((select amount from profit m11 where m11.month="11" and m11.year=m.year),0) as m11,
IFNULL((select amount from profit m12 where m12.month="12" and m12.year=m.year),0) as m12
from profit m group by m.year;
select year,sum(amount) as "年度总金额",
IFNULL((select amount from profit m1 where m1.month="1" and m1.year=m.year),0) as m1,
IFNULL((select amount from profit m2 where m2.month="2" and m2.year=m.year),0) as m2,
IFNULL((select amount from profit m3 where m3.month="3" and m3.year=m.year),0) as m3,
IFNULL((select amount from profit m4 where m4.month="4" and m4.year=m.year),0) as m4,
IFNULL((select amount from profit m5 where m5.month="5" and m5.year=m.year),0) as m5,
IFNULL((select amount from profit m6 where m6.month="6" and m6.year=m.year),0) as m6,
IFNULL((select amount from profit m7 where m7.month="7" and m7.year=m.year),0) as m7,
IFNULL((select amount from profit m8 where m8.month="8" and m8.year=m.year),0) as m8,
IFNULL((select amount from profit m9 where m9.month="9" and m9.year=m.year),0) as m9,
IFNULL((select amount from profit m10 where m10.month="10" and m10.year=m.year),0) as m10,
IFNULL((select amount from profit m11 where m11.month="11" and m11.year=m.year),0) as m11,
IFNULL((select amount from profit m12 where m12.month="12" and m12.year=m.year),0) as m12
from profit m group by m.year
select * from
(select '总计',sum(t2.`年度总金额`),sum(m1),sum(m2),sum(m3),sum(m4),sum(m5),sum(m6),sum(m7),sum(m8),sum(m9),sum(m10),sum(m11),sum(m12) from
select year,sum(amount) as "年度总金额",
IFNULL((select amount from profit m1 where m1.month="1" and m1.year=m.year),0) as m1,
IFNULL((select amount from profit m2 where m2.month="2" and m2.year=m.year),0) as m2,
IFNULL((select amount from profit m3 where m3.month="3" and m3.year=m.year),0) as m3,
IFNULL((select amount from profit m4 where m4.month="4" and m4.year=m.year),0) as m4,
IFNULL((select amount from profit m5 where m5.month="5" and m5.year=m.year),0) as m5,
IFNULL((select amount from profit m6 where m6.month="6" and m6.year=m.year),0) as m6,
IFNULL((select amount from profit m7 where m7.month="7" and m7.year=m.year),0) as m7,
IFNULL((select amount from profit m8 where m8.month="8" and m8.year=m.year),0) as m8,
IFNULL((select amount from profit m9 where m9.month="9" and m9.year=m.year),0) as m9,
IFNULL((select amount from profit m10 where m10.month="10" and m10.year=m.year),0) as m10,
IFNULL((select amount from profit m11 where m11.month="11" and m11.year=m.year),0) as m11,
IFNULL((select amount from profit m12 where m12.month="12" and m12.year=m.year),0) as m12
from profit m group by m.year
) t2 ) t3
select IFNULL(year,"总计") as year,sum(t.total) as 'total' ,sum(t.m1) as '1月',
sum(t.m2) as '2月',
sum(t.m3) as '3月',
sum(t.m4) as '4月',
sum(t.m5) as '5月',
sum(t.m6) as '6月',
sum(t.m7) as '7月',
sum(t.m8) as '8月',
sum(t.m9) as '9月',
sum(t.m10) as '10月',
sum(t.m11) as '11月',
sum(t.m12) as '12月'from
select year,sum(amount) as 'total',
IFNULL((select amount from profit m1 where m1.month="1" and m1.year=m.year),0) as m1,
IFNULL((select amount from profit m2 where m2.month="2" and m2.year=m.year),0) as m2,
IFNULL((select amount from profit m3 where m3.month="3" and m3.year=m.year),0) as m3,
IFNULL((select amount from profit m4 where m4.month="4" and m4.year=m.year),0) as m4,
IFNULL((select amount from profit m5 where m5.month="5" and m5.year=m.year),0) as m5,
IFNULL((select amount from profit m6 where m6.month="6" and m6.year=m.year),0) as m6,
IFNULL((select amount from profit m7 where m7.month="7" and m7.year=m.year),0) as m7,
IFNULL((select amount from profit m8 where m8.month="8" and m8.year=m.year),0) as m8,
IFNULL((select amount from profit m9 where m9.month="9" and m9.year=m.year),0) as m9,
IFNULL((select amount from profit m10 where m10.month="10" and m10.year=m.year),0) as m10,
IFNULL((select amount from profit m11 where m11.month="11" and m11.year=m.year),0) as m11,
IFNULL((select amount from profit m12 where m12.month="12" and m12.year=m.year),0) as m12
from profit m group by m.year
) t
group by year with rollup;
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