HTML5 classList API
Having thrust myself into the world of JavaScript and JavaScript Libraries, I've often wondered:
When are browser vendors going to see the helper methods/libraries created by the JavaScript toolkits and implement these functionalities natively within the browser? I realize that standards are important and browser vendors can't afford to
half-ass these implementations but I do believe they could be...expedited. The good news is that one of these functionalities has been add to the HTML5 API;
The classList object, added to all nodes within the DOM, provides developers methods by which to add, remove, and toggle CSS classes on a node. classList also allows developers to check if a CSS
class has been assigned to a given node.
The classList
object contains a number of helpful methods:
length: {number}, /* # of class on this element */
add: function() { [native code] },
contains: function() { [native code] },
item: function() { [native code] }, /* by index */
remove: function() { [native code] },
toggle: function() { [native code] }
Element.classList, as you can see, is a small but useful collection of methods.
Adding a CSS Class
The add method allows you to add one more multiple space-separated classes:
Removing a CSS Class
The add method allows you to remove a single class:
You could separate multiple classes by space but the result may not be incredibly reliable.
Toggling a CSS Class
myDiv.classList.toggle('myCssClass'); //now it's added
myDiv.classList.toggle('myCssClass'); //now it's removed
Note: If toggle is called and the element does not have the provided CSS class, the class is added.
Contains CSS Class Check
myDiv.classList.contains('myCssClass'); //returns true or false
The classList API is now supported by all modern browsers, so look for the JavaScript libraries to include
classList checks instead of parsing an element's class attribute!
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