Discontent is the first step in progress.


Several days ago, I wrote down a quote which has the same meaning as this one, and that quote goes as following:

Only the mediocre are always at their best.

In the other word, if you are content with your status quo, then your ambition, your drive, your desire to excel would all ebb away, you will become more and more timid and you would be not willing to make any change to get promotions or improvements.

Once you come into such stage, you will never have the chance to become stronger or realize the dream of sublimating yourself.

However, except for those who are not willing to make any attempt to be improved, there are also many others who expect a lot but are not willing to make all their efforts to realize their dreams.

And I think the latter may always feel regretful for their past behaviours, they may always live a miserable life.

While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about.


From Angela Schwindt.

Parents often serve as the best example for their childrens.

Both their words and behaviours will have great impacts on their children's growth, especially on the cultivation of children's characters.

Because one's characters are mostly depending on the learning and experience in the early age.

We can teach our children a lot of things, at the same time, they also can teach us a lot about the world.

Because they are innocent and pure, their eyes and their brains have not been contaminated by the dirty real world.

But is this world really dirty as you think? Maybe not.

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