




1、当s1当前字符 = s2当前字符 && s2当前字符 != s3当前字符 时,消s1.

2、同理状况 消s2.

3、难点在于当s1当前字符 = s2当前字符 = s3当前字符时,消谁,消错了可能引发后面的错误。我当时就想,那索性都尝试一遍,于是很直接的递归的想法就这么形成的。

    public boolean isInterleave(String s1, String s2, String s3) {

         int len1 = s1.length();
int len2 = s2.length();
int len3 = s3.length();
if(len1 + len2 != len3) return false;
else return isInterleaveCore(s1 , 0 , len1 - 1 , s2 , 0 , len2 - 1 , s3 , 0 , len3 - 1); }
public boolean isInterleaveCore(String s1 , int s1Start , int s1End ,
String s2 , int s2Start , int s2End ,
String s3 , int s3Start , int s3End){ int p1 = s1Start , p2 = s2Start , p3 = s3Start;
while(p3 <= s3End){
char ch3 = s3.charAt(p3);
if(p1 <= s1End && p2 <= s2End){
char ch1 = s1.charAt(p1);
char ch2 = s2.charAt(p2);
if(ch1 == ch3 && ch2 != ch3){
}else if(ch1 != ch3 && ch2 == ch3){
}else if(ch1 != ch3 && ch2 != ch3){
return false;
return isInterleaveCore(s1 , p1 + 1 , s1End , s2 , p2 , s2End , s3 , p3 + 1 , s3End) ||
isInterleaveCore(s1 , p1 , s1End , s2 , p2 + 1, s2End , s3 , p3 + 1 , s3End);
}else if(p1 <= s1End){
char ch1 = s1.charAt(p1);
if(ch1 != ch3) return false;
}else if(p2 <= s2End){
char ch2 = s2.charAt(p2);
if(ch2 != ch3) return false;
return true;

这里为自己点一个赞。第一次在考试中把递归给写出来了,证明之前的练习还是很成效的。非常( ^_^ )不错嘛。



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